I have an 1121, Pl-89's Pl-28, surrounds, xls1500, and a MA2050. The Acoustechs look and sound great, but I can't say that I can tell a difference in sound from the tsi 300's. Although I haven't tried the acoustechs connected to the reciever, I do believe the amps make a big difference. I have no problem with movies, music now thats another issue. While playing music in 2-channel at reference levels, I noticed the clipping led flashed a couple of times. I was under the assumption that at 300rms the amp wouldn't come close to clipping. I originally had the pl-89's on the crown, then I tried them on the marathon and the samething would happen listening to 2-channel music at reference levels. Of course I turned the gain down on the amps, but the sound levels drop. Since my ears aren't bleeding, I want more. I was hoping with a little help from you guys I would be able to tweak my system and get ear bleeding results. Let me know what info I need to provide