Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Spartan
Adam and I are the different species from his dream and we're fighting for control of this thread.
As soon as he morph's into his true form we're gonna have Zildjian remove one of his kidneys.
That should f^%& him up pretty good.
You're improving in all senses of the work Alex....

I haven't been disgusted by your posts for a long time now....
And you're about to throw Adam off the throne as the new king of the boring thread... and even more you're losing weight...

Who are you..... Superman? :eek:


Audioholic Spartan
My 2 year old little girl must be developing my sense of humor. I asked her for a hug this morning. She put her arms around me, tapped me on my back, and said, "Awwwww... you're so cute."



Audioholic Spartan
My 2 year old little girl must be developing my sense of humor. I asked her for a hug this morning. She put her arms around me, tapped me on my back, and said, "Awwwww... you're so cute."

it's called sarcasm :p


Audioholic Spartan
You know in aboriginal culture your dreams are reality. So that really happened. ;) Maybe your one of these Aliens.
Aussie aboriginals are really into that kind of thinking..... Some people wonder if dreams is the real life, and when you're awake.... You're realy dreaming :p
I'm not in that latter category though :D


Senior Audioholic
Report back on this one.
it worked pretty good.

i left my ipod on and it got pretty hot by 3am so it turned it off and to my surprise it still recorded.

thats the graph i got in the morning. seems pretty accurate to me.
  • it says i slept great until 1am, thats usualy how i am.
  • then at 1am i got up to go to the bathroom, that shows on the graph.
  • im not sure about the next 2 peaks in the graph though.
  • the 4th peak is where i had a dream about my doorknob exploding (terrifying, woke me up).
  • next peak is where my aquarium light turns on (timer is screwed up).
  • after that i had a hard time ignoring the light, that also shows.
  • then at 5:55 (35mins before i set it to wake me up) it decided it would be a good time to wake me up.
im not sure but i think the alarm gradually got louder because it didnt startle me awake like my mom or my normal alarm. it was was a pleasant awakening other than the fact i was still tired.

it uses the i-devices accelerometer to see how much you move during your sleep i believe. i used smart alarm clock free but the full version ($.99) also records any sounds during the night (useful for people like me who talk in their sleep). gonna see if its as accurate again tonight


Senior Audioholic

i dont know about you guys but i think this is pretty accurate... except my neighbors can her my sub... YET...


Senior Audioholic
downloading 6 albums + 106kb/s + only being able to download 1 at a time = quite a boring night


Audioholic Jedi
Adam and I are the different species from his dream and we're fighting for control of this thread.
As soon as he morph's into his true form we're gonna have Zildjian remove one of his kidneys.
That should f^%& him up pretty good.
Nah. I can easily get by with just four of them.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm going to close out this page before Adam creates an international incident with a minor (of course a male).
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