My Sister-in-Law took advantage of the holiday EMP deals and purchased a full 7.1 system from them including the new
ES-1010i subwoofer E55Ti towers, E56CI center, E55WI surrounds and some RBH TK-615 in-celing speakers. I convinced her to get two 1010 subs b/c she is in a large open room and she is Colombian and loves to have LOUD parties with lots of bass.
I spent the last 2 days installing and setting this system up for her (pics coming).
I have to admit, I was concerned that the EMP subs wouldn't have enough bass b/c of their hohum specs but I was sorely mistaken.
One sub was located front left wall and the other was opposite back wall (diagonal configuration). I ran the E55Ti's fullrange in hopes their six 6" woofers would assist in bass response in conjunction with the subs. The whole system is powered by a Yamaha RX-A1010.
Take a look at this in-room measurement. This was taken at the listening position 12 ft away and 1/12th octave smoothed. NO EQ was used! NO YPAO!
That's a +-5dB response from 20Hz to 80Hz in-room at the listening position!
It appears that although these subs aren't flat to 20Hz, they have a shallow enough rolloff to benefit from room gain. The towers themselves were helping to smooth the bass response. No matter where I sat on her couch, the bass was tight with tons of slam and respectable extension. I played Animusic HD and Yes Live at Montremx on Blu-ray.
I plan on taking these subs outdoors to measure them next week and I will write a formal review.
Overall I have to say, I am quite impressed. These subs aren't SVS beaters by any means but man do they play nice with the big EMP towers. The system as a whole sounds excellent, especially in her very reflective room (title floors). The MTM configuration of the towers help to minimize this and all the big furniture she purchased also helps considerably. The EMP system blends seamlessly into her room decor. She actually liked how they looked and didn't freak out at having large speakers in her main family room which also opens to her kitchen and dining room. The Red Burl finish really sealed the deal for her, especially since it blended into her entertainment center.
This is a real room with no acoustic treatments and the end results will satisfy any neophyte and most Audioholics.
What burns me is the blank look on her face when I showed her this graph. She is a medical doctor and reads EKG's all day long, come on Can't you appreciate these wiggles too?!