First high budget home theatre



Audioholic Intern
I am finishing my basement, and am incorporating a Home theatre area. I had contemplated just buying a standard 5.1 surround sound from best buy, but was urged by a friend at work to check out this site, and to make my theatre worth while. So, I have decided to budget for a quality surround sound system and need your help. First, The Dimensions of the room are 23'x16 1/2' but will be open in the rear to another 15' or so for a bar area. I have decided on the Epson pro cinema 5010 projector. I am planning on setting up a 7.2 system, and my budget for the audio equipment is between 6,000 and 8,000. Any help on which speakers/amp/reciever to get would be GREATLY appreciated. Also, It needs to be a reciever capable of at least 2 zones, as I will be putting speakers in the ceiling in a seperate area of the basement, mostly for music.
Thanks in advance for any help in my task.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Hi Jerod81 and welcome to the forum.

Speakers are very subjective and my first suggestion would be to make a list of all of your local shops and find out what they carry. Then put together a CD of music you are very familiar with so when you go "test drive" the speakers you will have material that you know well and distinguish the differences between brands. Also bring a notebook so you can write things down as you listen.

That size room you should be considering a tower speaker from the manufactures you have available. As for Subs those you will probably want to get from one of the very good online dealers like SVS or Elemental Designs.

For electronics I would first decide on the speakers because depending on the brand you choose you may need external amplification to drive them to the levels you will want for that size room. Some speakers like Klipsch are easy to drive and would not need an amp to reach ear bleeding levels while a some PSB models dip down to 4ohms and may push a receiver too hard.

There are some very good online speaker companies as well that offer 30 day home trials like Aperion that you may want to consider as well.


Senior Audioholic
Agree with ADK. I highly recommend checking the Pros and Joes gallery area at the bottom of the forum list. Many people on here have done what you are about to and can offer invaluable advice to save you time, money, and headaches.

With your budget I can easily see you putting together a great system. If it were me, I'd start with a nice receiver as a pre/pro, a Marantz (maybe SR6006) or a Denon 4312ci. From there any quality amp, maybe a 3 channel and let the receiver do the work for the rear 4 channels, would work. Rotel, Emotiva, etc.

Speakers you absolutely need to listen to, or look into like EMP, Axiom, or another online dealer who allows a 30 day in home trial. Subs you are going to be hard pressed to find one better than an SVS for the new Rhythmik everyone is recommending. Are you doing all of your wiring and components yourself? Does the budget need to include source items like a BR player? Looking forward to your project, I hope you document it well.


Where do you live. There may be members in area that would be willing to assist in person.


Audioholic Spartan
SVS is a good sub company also, look at
HSU Research

This Yamaha receiver, is a good option

Ceiling speakers to look at - Boston

One option PSB - except the sub

Look at KEF - hit the bundle button on the upper right - and ignore the
sub option

And Focal - except the sub

And if there is a dealer around, that has them and wants to
give you a killer price - JBL LS series Domestic/JBL_LS_Series/JBL_LS_Frame.htm
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Audioholic Intern
. Are you doing all of your wiring and components yourself? Does the budget need to include source items like a BR player? .
I have a contracter that will be doing all the pre wiring, but I am going to make sure I buy quality wiring for them to use. I will probably hook up a ps3, so had planned on using that for the BR player, unless it is recommended not to. But not worried about adding a few hundred more for that if needed


Audioholic Intern
Where do you live. There may be members in area that would be willing to assist in person.
I am in Denver, so that makes it a little easier to find things. Several A/V home theatre places.
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adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Check out Monoprice for all your wire needs. The have CI rated (in wall) speaker wire, HDMI cables, component cables all at prices that are very hard to beat.


Audioholic Intern
After almost a full day of looking around online, I have decided on the Aperion verus speaker system:D. Now I just need to decide on 2 subs that will be just right for my system, and an amp and Reciever. I figure the Aperion takes 3,700-4,000 out of my budget (after taxes/warranty) so I still have 2-4,000 for the subs, reciever and amp.


Audioholic Ninja
I am planning on setting up a 7.2 system, and my budget for the audio equipment is between 6,000 and 8,000. Any help on which speakers/amp/reciever to get would be GREATLY appreciated.
...I suggest...

One of these ($729)
Three of these ($4800)
Four of these ($600)
Two of these ($2550)
Bass traps made from six to eight packs of these ($300 - $400)
As many / Assorted of these, these, and these as you want to shell out for, after some discussion with those guys.
And Top it off with some Blue Jeans Cable!

Also, It needs to be a reciever capable of at least 2 zones, as I will be putting speakers in the ceiling in a seperate area of the basement, mostly for music.
I suggest not bothering with zones.... Just shell out the extra $2-300 and get a separate electronic for that purpose IMO.


Audioholic Intern
What does everyone think of the Denon avr-3312ci for my reciever?


Audioholic Intern
This is what I am leaning toward so far. Let me know if you think I should tweak or completely change anything.
Speakers-Aperion Verus grand towers w/ matching grand center and
surrounds/bookshelfs (7 total) $3,700
Subs- 2 Rhythmic Audio F12 Signatures $1,900 (not sure on cone color yet)
Reciever- Denon avr-3312ci $1099
Amp- Emotiva XPA-5 $899
Total=$7598 before taxes

I hope this all works together. The hardes part now is waiting for my basement to get finished. Gonna be 2 and a half months, but should be completely worth it. Thanks again to all that helped me out today, and thanks in advance for any future suggestions. :)
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
That should be a very nice setup. The only change may be to look at the 4311 model with Audyessy 32XT which will room correction for two subs. It also has more power and you could go without the amp until you see if you really need it.

Now don't forget room treatments. Are you doing any kind of sound isolation during the basement construction?

Depending on your finishes you may need to look into bass traps and some absorption panels. You can build this yourself or purchase off the shelf stuff from Auralex and others. Do some searches here as there are several good threads on building your own panels.


Audioholic Ninja
Speakers-Aperion Verus grand towers w/ matching grand center and
surrounds/bookshelfs (7 total) $3,700
Look into Philharmonic speakers IMO.

Subs- 2 Rhythmic Audio F12 Signatures $1,900 (not sure on cone color yet)
I like that you're going with two, but those are sealed 12s. I'd be looking at least at vented 12s, and I suggested earlier vented 15s.

Amp- Emotiva XPA-5 $899
$900 on a 5 channel amp...I think this part of your budget could go elsewhere. Amps are cool to have but don't really affect the sound much.


Audioholic Intern
Look into Philharmonic speakers IMO.
Hadn't seen the Phil harmonics til' you this. Definately nice speakers, the only downside is they don't make center or surround speakers that I could find. I know that style/looks aren't nearly as important as functionality, but that being said, I would like to have the speakers be the same brand, or at least the same look as eachother.

I like that you're going with two, but those are sealed 12s. I'd be looking at least at vented 12s, and I suggested earlier vented 15s.
You think even with 2 12's, they need to be ported? Again, I was looking at the Signature Edition because of the style. Rookie mistake. Lol


Audioholic Spartan
Hadn't seen the Phil harmonics til' you this. Definately nice speakers, the only downside is they don't make center or surround speakers that I could find. I know that style/looks aren't nearly as important as functionality, but that being said, I would like to have the speakers be the same brand, or at least the same look as eachother.
From AVS site - a center channel

Originally Posted by Dennis Murphy
Just a factual note--I do have a matching center for the Phil 1's. I'll try and get it posted on my site next week.
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Audioholic Ninja
Hadn't seen the Phil harmonics til' you this. Definately nice speakers, the only downside is they don't make center or surround speakers that I could find.
Do you truly even need a center if it isn't a positive in the GRAND scheme of things? PH do make surrounds, by the way. There's also a center that's been prototyped but isn't in production just yet.

You think even with 2 12's, they need to be ported?
For music, there won't be much demand on the subwoofer below 30hz, so for music sealed will be fine.

If you want to be true to the LFE channel in movies though, you won't even be coming closer.

Let's say you watch a movie at about -8db on the receiver (pretty average speech level in general, but capable of massive peaks)

Your speakers need to be capable of around 97db AT the listening position, and your subwoofer needs to be capable of at least around 107db at the listening position. Honestly, that's minimum. If you really want a high end HT (which I assumed you did from your budget) then I think your system should be able to cruise along at reference levels (average speech levels near 85db, peaks as high as 105db, subwoofer peaks as high as 115db).

Movies have strong content down even below 15hz. The F12 can't even complete a 100db sweep below 25hz:

Its vented sibling the FV12 uses a cheaper, less capable driver so it has its limitations too (it'll get deeper, though).

Its 15" siblings IE the F15 get closer. For a great HT I'm sure they're a very good choice, but I wouldn't expect them to cruise along at reference levels. They're still limited below 20hz by the sealed alignment.

The FV15 is where i'd be starting, if I were you. That'll get the extension and output to cruise along no matter what movies throw at it. The FV15HP has a more powerful amplifier for a slightly extra cost... I think it's worth it.

As far as main speakers go, I'd also be looking at speakers that can handle dynamic range and still be very musical. That was why I recommended those JBL Studio Monitors. If you take the center out of the equation, that's about $3200 on mains.

I don't really consider the Philharmonics to be dedicated HT speakers either, but they're likely to be a good step up from the Aperions. I would still be looking at something more dynamic personally. 2channel and HT DO have different demands.
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Get the Denon 4312, forgo the amp and look at the eD cenima 12 speakers with the upgrade b&c compression driver.

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis