

Audioholic Jedi
Um TMI buddy. I don't want to know about you drinking cream soda with Rick.
At least he didn't tell us about the hurt look on Rick's face when he claimed that he spit it out because he's trying to lose weight.

What? We are talking about soda, right? :D


Audioholic Jedi
Hey, Alex - to save me from reading this whole you have a gym membership or any equipment around the house to workout?

If not, you can get some useful items for not much cash and that don't take up much space. For example, I have this pullup/exercise bar and love it. Love it. A lot more than I had expected to (shut up :D). There are a number of those on the market from different brands. I know that you weigh more than me, so doublecheck their numbers, but they are rated for your weight. Also, a single pair of hex dumbbells can help you work out your arms and serve as a set of pushup handles (sure, no one needs handles to do pushups, but I happen to like them). Doing some curls or tricep lifts can be a good way to get some exercise while watching TV or listening to music.


Audioholic Spartan
Did someone say "Beer"?:)

What we drink usually adds up (calories) more than we think. Soda is my nemesis. ~120-150 calories per 12 ounces @ 4-6 a day is a lot of calories.

Alex, is Cheryl feeling for you six pack abs yet?
Sorry, my post was not quite what I meant. I was going to add to that...I must have gotten distracted. (SQUIRREL!:D) I don't drink that much anymore. That's what I used to do years ago. I probably average 3 a day now...still not good. I'm thinking on starting some mild exercise and limiting myself to 1 or 2 a day and drinking water when I'm not savoring beer.:)


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't have any weights, pull up bars or exercise equipment but my
girlfriend has some push up handles ... really. :D What are those for again? :D :D

Okay, I appreciate that you have a handle (ooh ... a pun) on my space constraints and obvious heft but working out just sort of happens with work and now there's walking. Gyms aren't really my bag. I gave it a go at a gym way back after quitting smoking but that wasn't a good fit for me. It's work ... ya know? I feel like I need to get paid for that.

The only reason I am having any success with this right now is that I got serious about understanding this program and I got with the plan about eating a set quantity of food in set proportions at set intervals. It's a little more complicated than eating fewer calories than you burn but that part is true even if wayyyyyyyy over simplified. I reread some of the thread and was amazed to see how many people were pointing me in the direction I was coming from. My mistake was to think that I could just sort of make 'some' good choices 'some' of the time. It turns out that I can sabotage days worth of good intentions within minutes of eating and that sets me up to go round and round with carb cravings to which I invariably caved. The further I get away from my last 'carb attack' the better I am able to manage them.

Maybe the working out thing will appeal to me in the future but right now the change in diet is enough. BTW, there's about 25% of the population that have sort of hit the genetic lottery in that they are simply not prone to insulin spikes from eating too many carbs. There's another 25% whose insulin levels are extraordinarily sensitive to heightened glucose. In any event eating too many carbs isn't good for the vast majority. Not eating enough sets you up for cravings.

Young Adam has had some fine points and some points that I'm ... or should I say 'The Zone' is not down with but it's good to see that he thinks he knows everything. Youth ... ya gotta love. :D
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Audioholic Jedi
Sorry, man - I wasn't trying to talk you into getting into working out all the time. I used to do that, but I just can't get into the habit anymore. However, doing some workout exercises can help out. Maybe five pushups for every AH post. :) Something like that. I try to do pullups when I walk into the room with my computer, now that I have the pullup bar in that doorway. I just do five at a time. Nothing much, but it adds up.


Audioholic Slumlord
Maybe five pushups for every AH post. :)
That's pretty slick and totally doable. I'm in ... starting tomorrow. :rolleyes:

... and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time and I won't care that I'm wasting everybody else's time. :p


Audioholic Jedi
That's pretty slick and totally doable. I'm in ... starting tomorrow. :rolleyes:
Do it! If I'd have done that, I'd be a Greek god by now (100,000+ pushups). I don't like to drink and exercise, though, so I'm out. :p


Audioholic Spartan
Just to be clear, I don't drink 4 - 6 beers a day either.:eek: Maybe 3 - 4 per week.
Minus parties, I drink 9-10 alcoholic drinks a week on average. I don't drink alcohol on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday unless I'm at a gathering of some sort. Wednesday is 50/50 and then that's only if I'm getting my son a snack I'll grab a nice dark beer and only have one.

See, now Alex's profile of me has been shattered.:p


Audioholic Ninja
It turns out that I can sabotage days worth of good intentions within minutes of eating and that sets me up to go round and round with carb cravings to which I invariably caved. The further I get away from my last 'carb attack' the better I am able to manage them.
I would advise against thinking that way. You can't "undo" the work you've done. You should be proud of every "win".

I still believe that being healthy is much different than losing weight just to see a different number on the scale. Typically, if the body craves something, its good to listen. Its understanding the difference between the body actually needing something or our subconscious wanting of something. I've played the carb battle many many times being sensitive to changing insulin levels. My approach was to limit carbs, but everytime I had even a bit of excess, I crashed and wanted more.

This brings me back to "working out". You can easily regulate insulin ups and downs by needing it for protein synthesis in the muscles. Your body won't use fat stores for energy when elevated levels of insulin are present. It's attempting to use the carbs you just ate and thats why the "energy" feels different. Muscle groups take time to recover and your body will adapt to releasing insulin much more steadily to carry all those amino acids to muscles needing repair.

It took some time, but a few weeks of working large muscle groups and then taking down simple sugars right after a workout made managing carbs much easier. I don't have the will power to eat an exact diet- most people dont. Most people fail. Allowing the body to take on more processes and do more with the food we eat will tip the scales in favor of success.

Its your lifestyle, they're your choices, but I really think incorporating some kind of resistance training sooner than later is prudent. I'm not saying you have to come up with a 7 day split and go buy spandex outfits (get out your spandex outfits) and become a complete meat head. Just take even 10-15 minutes three times a week and work hard. 5 pushups everytime you post is a good start, but doing as many as you can in 10 minutes is exponentially better. Its 10 minutes man. Your mental approach to this whole process will change profoundly.

I'm about 185 now and have fluctuated a bit the past couple years, but at 24 I was 260 with health problems no kid should have. I was really thankful that somebody kicked my *** after a while and was no longer interested in what the scale said when I stood on it. He gave me the tools to lose the weight and maintain a lifestyle to stay healthy years down the road. I no longer worry about insulin- I've drank enough beer that I'm pretty sure my pancreas is pickled.

Keep up the good work

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