Sadly, I'm not sure which of my contacts was effective because I got little back from most of them. In alphabetic order this is what I encountered...
Amazon - basically told me "we'll look into it"
American Express - never responsed to my inquires
Discover - basically told me "we'll forward it to the appropriate department"
FTC - never responsed to my inquires
Mastercard - only got a generic reply with nothing but canned, and irrelevant, information
PayPal - never responsed to my inquires
Visa - never responsed to my inquires - chose to do nothing
whois - chose to do nothing
It may have been some combination of them as well, but I honestly don't know. AAMOF, I wouldn't have even known they got taken down unless I went to the website to check for myself. You see, I've been going to the "contact us" page a few times a week and leaving them a nasty-gram, just to make sure they knew I was hunting them.