Ok, I know I have 2 other threads, but I wanted to start a new one to talk specifically about Subwoofers.
I currently have the Pioneer 521 reciever and the Infiniti Primus theater 5- pack, and I am trying to complete my budget system with a subwoofer.
My room dimensions are 15 x 30 and one side of the room has a 7 foot wide opening into a 100sq. ft. room and the other long side of the main room has an opening into a 130sq. ft. room. I have been reccomended the 12" Dayton sub by a couple people as well as the Oulaw M8. I lean towards the Outlaw M8, but I'm concerned that it will not put out enough sound for my room, I'm just not sure how much sound a 8" sub can handle. My actual seating area is only about 15' x 15' ,but i assume the big openings are going to hurt me.
My uses are about 50/50 music/movies. Whats the best I can do with a room that size under $300? I would love to go with the pricetag of the 12" dayton, but if the sound of the Outlaw is WAY cleaner then I could pony up the extra...what do you think?