Please delete my account I cannot do it ???



Audioholic Spartan
I don't know what happened or why, but sorry to see you go. Hope you'll pop in once in a while to say hi.


Audioholic Spartan
I never understood why people ask to have their accounts removed or disabled.

If you don't want to participate in a forum, then..... don't log in.
I don't get that either. It's like a passive-agressive way of looking for attention. Do you expect us to beg you to stay?

Just another weird thing people do on the internet that don't make sense to me, like asking for prayers for a sick family member. Sorry I just don't get the point.


What happened?

Help: NO
Troll: NO
Ho: NO
Help Troll Ho: NO

You all don't play nice, I quit!, Can I have my ball back: NO

Hypothesis gone awry, ticked off prominent poster and forum contributor:)

I was just reading and that is my synopsis:rolleyes: It was almost like a hazing for a new poster.
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Audioholic Overlord
What is going on? Why is Jamie leaving? I been gone for a while now and this is what I come back to............LOL? Jamie, you have always been a good friend and a great person to exchange ideas with. Hope you give it more thought. Feel free to send me a PM.

Very confused,



Audioholic Slumlord
If' nothing else at least I'm glad to see a lot of familiar people whom been absent for long while ... :)

As for Jamie - Sad to see any longstanding member decide to leave, even if one can't help oneself to stereotype this case as *cough* drama queen *cough* :D:rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai

Help: NO
Troll: NO
Ho: NO
Help Troll Ho: NO

You all don't play nice, I quit!, Can I have my ball back: NO

Hypothesis gone awry, ticked off prominent poster and forum contributor:)

I was just reading and that is my synopsis:rolleyes: It was almost like a hazing for a new poster.
I think you are just way too far off base with your so called synopsis, Did you partake in any of the threads or exchanges that made J feel this way, do you know for a fact what he is thinking and or feeling right now, NO. Dont try to bash or anything otherwise, he was a good friend and member , he went through some tough times and your post just fortifies his thoughts a bit more. I think some members are keeping this going just a little bit more than it should , he left , he will lurk, and maybe someday return, so just let it go for now, he did.

* Who do you refer to as the troll ho, just who is The Ho, I am curious.


Audioholic Spartan
I think it's more than just one thread that has Jamie annoyed. AH is a different place then it was in years past. I can name at least a dozen prominent members from the past 5 years that don't post much if at all anymore. Most of which had a real impact on the overall personality of these forums. Governmental politics and religion drove some out. (that's been fixed) Others just got on with there lives. Things change. I'm not saying it's a good or a bad change. Each member has to make that assessment for themselves.

The thing that has changed the most in recent years, in my opinion, is the lack of genuine help giving to new members on the things we find remedial. Look, we all have to start somewhere and maybe our journey is a life lone thing and maybe it's just getting a cheap system up and running so we can have surround sound... I just wish we as a group would answer the question asked.

Jamie is a good guy who has seen the four corners of the earth. He has seen it in a way most wont ever get to. Most who have have seen it from being in the Military. Jamie's perspective can be unique and interesting. Him leaving is a loss. His profession gives this place a view point that will be next to impossible to replace.

Yes, Jamie has been a good friend to me for quite awhile and my opinion is biased.:)

>>>End speech<<<


Great people come and great people go. Some not so great people come and they also go.

I think help for the remedial is given out all the time. When someone new logs on a asks for a $700 surround setup including receiver you always have your people saying can't be done (up the budget) and then, surprise surprise, a decent surround system gets put together for $700.

I'll miss Jamie2112, I miss Mazersteven, I even miss WmAx. I definitely miss GimpyRick and there isn't a time that I log onto AH that I don't think about the lovable lug.

It sucks, he is doing what he is doing for his own reasons. And knowing what we know about his family/marital life I am sure he doesn't need another source of stress in the form of some knob here being a bit of a jackass. No matter how minor.

I wish him luck and hope to see him around some day not too distant.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, Jamie's done this before (not to this extent, though), so hopefully he'll come back after some cooldown period.

I personally thank him for "I like turtles." That little kid was either dumb as a box of rocks or a total genius. :)

I figure that if I ever want to leave and feel like burning bridges, I'll go dark and see if I can bring this rep point financial system back to the days of 2006. You know, when having 100 points was like being a king. :D Honestly, there was more thrill to it back then. I still remember Matt giving me rep, and it was worth either 25 or 40 points, and I felt like I was on top of the world. Speaking of which, I kinda miss the days of people constantly asking, "give me some sugar, baby." Kinda. Okay, not really. :p


Audioholic Slumlord
I think it's more than just one thread that has Jamie annoyed. AH is a different place then it was in years past. I can name at least a dozen prominent members from the past 5 years that don't post much if at all anymore. Most of which had a real impact on the overall personality of these forums. Governmental politics and religion drove some out. (that's been fixed) Others just got on with there lives. Things change. I'm not saying it's a good or a bad change. Each member has to make that assessment for themselves.

The thing that has changed the most in recent years, in my opinion, is the lack of genuine help giving to new members on the things we find remedial. Look, we all have to start somewhere and maybe our journey is a life lone thing and maybe it's just getting a cheap system up and running so we can have surround sound... I just wish we as a group would answer the question asked.

Jamie is a good guy who has seen the four corners of the earth. He has seen it in a way most wont ever get to. Most who have have seen it from being in the Military. Jamie's perspective can be unique and interesting. Him leaving is a loss. His profession gives this place a view point that will be next to impossible to replace.

Yes, Jamie has been a good friend to me for quite awhile and my opinion is biased.:)

>>>End speech<<<
Jamie who? :p :D


I think you are just way too far off base with your so called synopsis, Did you partake in any of the threads or exchanges that made J feel this way, do you know for a fact what he is thinking and or feeling right now, NO. Dont try to bash or anything otherwise, he was a good friend and member , he went through some tough times and your post just fortifies his thoughts a bit more. I think some members are keeping this going just a little bit more than it should , he left , he will lurk, and maybe someday return, so just let it go for now, he did.

* Who do you refer to as the troll ho, just who is The Ho, I am curious.
Yes, I read the thread. AN d no, I am not bashing. His goodbye came from a previous thread where a female asked for help to sell gear. Different posters went different ways with why she was doing it. Implications made in the thread: was she a girl at all, was she a troll, was she just playing the part of miss innocent. No one really knew for sure and the whole thread went awry. No I did not participate, I just read it. But that's where Jamie came in and said he had enough of that kind of stuff and was leaving. So that is my unbiased synopsis, not a bash, just what happened.

I come here to read and learn, which I have from everyone here. Do I agree with what everyone does or says? no. But one thing I know is there is a lot more good here then bad and I enjoy reading here. I put my system together from reading here. Not asking just reading and researching. And I do know that whatever anyone says here, it is not going to deter me from staying or leaving.

So synopsis:
Did she get help: No
Was she a troll: No
Was she a Ho: No
Did anyone Help the troll ho: No

Jamie read it, didn't like it, ask to delete his account(ball): Mod said: No

Sorry if this offended.
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Senior Audioholic
She did get help.
If this is the post about selling some old equipment that someone left with her, then yes she got some help. Some of us told her the possible worth and where to try and sell it. It was just hard to find in between the other crap posted. I'm all for jokes and stuff, but if I was her I would've been pissed.


This isn't the first thread on an enthusiast site where a female member has come into a mainly male centric site and been subjected to commentary that has zero to do with what they are asking about.

Everything from asking for pictures (not of equipment) to doubting their gender.

Jamie had one thing correct: There was a tone of 'low class' about it and that isn't what AH is about. Frankly it was embarrassing.


Audioholic Slumlord
That thread had two distinct issues:
a) OP whom decided it's good idea to [strike]lie[/strike] distort the facts to us
b) First person who jumped on "answering" the question decided to go with low-brow joke and set the tone for many other responses

Yes, it quickly rolled down the hill from there :rolleyes:

Neither of them were right.

But decide to leave forum over this little quarrel is pretty silly to say at the least...

As for recent alleged decline of quality in AH forums posts - this is the direct result of many experienced members decided to stop posting.

If every time newer poster would say something incorrect would be corrected (aka calling his BS) by more experienced member - this would help educating the prior and help improve the overall quality of the forum.

Deciding to throw the towel and leave is just making the situation worse..

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Audioholic Slumlord
The site is doing fine.

That OP is doing fine.

Jamie is doing fine ... but when he gets back and starts red repping people the alligator tears are gonna flow ...

"Gene! Gene! Somebody gave me a red chicklet ... Gene! ... WHaaaaaaaaa ... Whaaaaaaaa !!!" :D


Audioholic Slumlord
The site is doing fine.

That OP is doing fine.

Jamie is doing fine ... but when he gets back and starts red repping people the alligator tears are gonna flow ...

"Gene! Gene! Somebody gave me a red chicklet ... Gene! ... WHaaaaaaaaa ... Whaaaaaaaa !!!" :D
I think I mentioned something among these lines earlier

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