Which has fewer problems with continuous signal- DVI or HDMI?
Carrying audio doesn't make one better than the other. I want a bulletproof method of carrying the signal to the display and HDMI is hardly that. I use a display for one thing- video, not audio. If the TV is where all sources will be connected and the system won't include a receiver or pre-pro, fine. If the ARC will be used because the first place the cable signal goes is the TV, fine. If the system is simple enough that the rest of the equipment doesn't need to be where all of the switching occurs, also fine. However, if the system is elaborate and all switching is done by the receiver or pre-pro, I want no problems with CEC/HDCP or anything else. When a bad HDMI cable costs me money because the manufacturer doesn't put more than a short warranty on it and they don't pay for my labor to replace it, I'd much rather use component video.