At least during the day. Yeah, this is a bizarre one.
Mrs W and I went to the 10:30 AM showing of MI 4 (fun movie. Maybe the best of the bunch).
We're about 2 hours and fifteen minutes into it and in walk about four people with flashlights and talking loudly looking for seats. About a minute later, another bunch with flashlights and talking loudly.
Now, this is about 2 1/2 hours long. The action part was almost over, and was just starting the wind-down but that part sometimes ties it all together.
This went on for the rest of the fargin' movie and we could NOT hear what was going on. They must have all taken Viagra because they are all plicks. When people told them to be quiet they just got louder and said nobody tells them what to do.
It turns out it was a group from a senior citizens home. Now, I have nothing against old farts (hell, I am one) but I've never seen a group of old people act as rudely and as inconsiderate as these aholes.
Anyhow, a bunch of us left the theatre and went straight to the managers office and told him what happened. He said he gave them a good deal which is all well and good, but, we asked, what about the rest of us who were deprived of out movie experience? Someone else said this is just another reason to stay home with a DVD and a HT system (yes, another kindred spirit)
He gave out free passes to everyone in that showing that complained, more than 20 of us, which was just about everyone. So, that's one good deed that backfired on him.
But, I really pity those poor souls who were in that showing. Even when thy sat down they didn't shut up. Methinks he'll be passing out more passes.
so, now we have to get it just to see the last few minutes.