
Audioholic Chief
Looking for some input on how to make this trigger out work.
Yamaha 667 has a trigger out and I want it to turn on the switched outlets on pure av pf31. I ran a mono trigger plug from the ouput of the receiver to dc in on the pure av. I then made sure that the receiver trigger option was set to power but I cant get it to turn on or off the swithed outlets on the belkin?


Audioholic Chief
I'm pretty sure I have the right cable. 3.5 mono attenuating sinning cable ?


Audioholic Chief
sorry i meant attenuating dubbing cable, i was posting from my cell.


Audioholic Slumlord
Looking for some input on how to make this trigger out work.
Yamaha 667 has a trigger out and I want it to turn on the switched outlets on pure av pf31. I ran a mono trigger plug from the ouput of the receiver to dc in on the pure av. I then made sure that the receiver trigger option was set to power but I cant get it to turn on or off the swithed outlets on the belkin?
Did you check to make sure the 667 output a high enough voltage for the PureAV? You cable/connection may be right but the voltage has to be right too. I am too lazy to read two instruction manuals right now but I can try to do that if you need more help.


Audioholic Chief
I haven't checked that. Will the pure av manual say how much voltage it needs? I'll check now. Pure av says any component with a 3-30v dc output will switch it on.


Audioholic Slumlord
I haven't checked that. Will the pure av manual say how much voltage it needs? I'll check now. Pure av says any component with a 3-30v dc output will switch it on.
3 to 30V is a very good range. In that case voltage is unlikely the problem because the 667 can output 12V dc. You may want to read the 667's instruction manual P93 & P94 that explains how to specify the functions of the trigger output.


Audioholic Chief
I re read the manual and still no luck. I feel like everything is correct. I have the remote set to on on the pure av. In the reciever I have the trigger mode set to power and target zone set to main. What are my options here? Makes no sense.


Audioholic Slumlord
I re read the manual and still no luck. I feel like everything is correct. I have the remote set to on on the pure av. In the reciever I have the trigger mode set to power and target zone set to main. What are my options here? Makes no sense.

You can try the manual function first and measure the output at the 667 end to start narrowing down the root cause.


Audioholic Slumlord
How do I measure the output?
Use a multimeter that can measure DC voltage, most can. You may need a 3rd hand to hold both the meter probes and initiate the trigger output manually.

Or you can prove the PureAV instead if you can find a 12V source (a small battery) and just give it a quick pulse to see if it switches over. Actually, you said the PureAV can work on as low as 3V DC so it should be easy enough to righ a few 1.5V battery or just a single 9V battery for the test.


Audioholic Slumlord
I read the 667 manual and realize you don't need a 3rd hand to intiate the trigger. If I read it right you can set it to high (see P.93) in manual mode and it should give you the 12V d.c. until you set it to low. If your voltmeter does not register 12V then either something is wrong with the 667 or the cable/plug. If it does show 12V then you need to start troubleshooting the PureAV. Does the PureAV specify any current requirement. The 667 trigger out is rated 0.1A, that is 100 mA, hopefully the PureAV does not require any more than that, it really shouldn't but I am not 100% sure.


Audioholic Chief
Well I don't have a volt meter. I will have to pick one up.
I did connect the trigger out to my amp instead of the pure av and the 667 could not power on or off the amp either. A Google search showed a few others have had the same issue. I tried switching it to manual with high and that didn't work either.


Audioholic Slumlord
Well I don't have a volt meter. I will have to pick one up.
I did connect the trigger out to my amp instead of the pure av and the 667 could not power on or off the amp either. A Google search showed a few others have had the same issue. I tried switching it to manual with high and that didn't work either.
Time to email Yamaha tech support. In the mean time, I understand you have already tried it on your amp but it is easy enough to also prove the PureAV is not the problem, buy simply connecting a 9V battery or one of those cheap power adapter (hopefully you have the right kind of connector) that gives an output of between 6 to 12V dc to it's trigger in.


Audioholic Chief
Well for the time being I plugged the receiver into the belkins switched outlet as well as the tv and amp. I have to press the switch button on front of the belkin and this turns everything on and off. I will have to use this for now until I try a volt meter on the 12v trigger out to see if its even out putting anything.


Audioholic Chief

I thought to myself to check the most logical troubleshoot, the cable. I took the cable off and hooked it up to my ipod and connected the other end to my auxiliary in on my car. I couldn't hear any thing. I turned the ipod volume to max and nothing. I then cranked the car volume to max and I could just barely hear a faint sound of music. Looks like this cable may be the problem.


Audioholic Slumlord
I thought to myself to check the most logical troubleshoot, the cable. I took the cable off and hooked it up to my ipod and connected the other end to my auxiliary in on my car. I couldn't hear any thing. I turned the ipod volume to max and nothing. I then cranked the car volume to max and I could just barely hear a faint sound of music. Looks like this cable may be the problem.
That's good news. It is more likely a bad, loose, or broken connection in the jack plug but it could well be a bad cable. If you have a multi meter it would make it easier to trouble shoot.


Audioholic Chief
When I returned the wire they said the attenuating dubbing cable I bought decreases the signal. That explains it.

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