I have a onkyo txsr500.The upper A and upper B speaker inputs dont work.Is the unit smoked or is there a repair I can do.I dont want to send it out as its old and I will be getting a new one.But it will make a good second receiver
Just to clear up one of your terms- speaker connections send the signal OUT to the speakers- they're not "speaker inputs". The connectors that are round, plastic and different colors are called 'binding posts' and if you look on the back panel, they have an L or R near them. The top ones are Left Channel and the bottom ones are Right Channel.
If you hear nothing when using the tuner and you connect ONE SPEAKER to the top terminals- one red and one black, it may mean that channel has a problem. While it could be a dirty switch or control, it often means that channel needs to be repaired. If you have an iPod with a Y cord that has RCA plugs, you can connect it to test each channel and each input jack (Aux, Tape, CD, etc), individually.