need a"3d" pre/pro for under 5K? Suggestions welcome

adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Hmmm... Well, I'll give you 25 bucks for your AV7005 if you'll cover shipping. Then you can have it to do over again.

I am curious why XT32 is so enticing to you???? What are its real world advantages?
The main reason is the ability to calibrate both subs separately. Regular XT does both together which for me (I have two very different subs in both size and power) is not optimal. It will also take more individual calibration positions which I have found also has helped in my room. When I was upgrading my Onkyo 885 I was adamant that I stay with a prepro and my local dealer only had Marantz, Denon, Adcom and Pioneer to choose from. The Marantz was getting very good reviews at the time and the price was right so I went with it. It is more sensitive to ground loops and the HDMI switching is a bit finicky at times. I still like it but I don't love it.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, from what I've heard of the Marantz pre-pro, it's a good unit, but not the greatest.

The complaint about the humming ground loop noise worries me the most.

The Denon 4311 seems to get the nod in many people's eyes.

DenPureSound got his 4311 from Electronic Expo brand new for $1500 shipped. Great price.

I think the best deal I know of now is like $1650 shipped on the 4311.

Are we going to debate that pre-pro vs AVR sound quality now?:eek::D

Having that internal amp to back up the external amp is a good thing IMO.:D


Full Audioholic
I don't have any ground loop issues with the AV7005 and I have a lot of potential grounding loop issues. haha. It is overall nice and works well, I have no complaints. That is not to say that the Denon isn't as good or better, though; I just bought the Marantz because it looks better and my last Denon was a pile of crap.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I don't have any ground loop issues with the AV7005 and I have a lot of potential grounding loop issues. haha. It is overall nice and works well, I have no complaints. That is not to say that the Denon isn't as good or better, though, I just bought the Marantz because it looks better and my last Denon was a pile of crap.
I never had an issue with any until I got this unit. I have dedicated circuits and have a very clean rack and no matter what I have done the dead quiet of my Onkyo is gone.
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Marantz 1k less.

Marantz is available tax-free from authorized online dealers.

Marantz has Audyssey's MultEQ XT Auto Calibration.

Marantz has MultiEQ PRO, Audyssey DSX.

Marantz has balanced pre-outs.
Sorry, I thought it had RCA only...


Full Audioholic
I never had an issue with any until I got this unit. I have dedicated circuits and have a very clean rack and no matter what I have done the dead quiet of my Onkyo is gone.
Weird I wonder if your unit has a problem.


Well Gentlemen.. The sales rep for my video store here in Houston is bringing an Anthem MRX 700 (this is a receiver), and an Integra DHC- 80.3. Over this evening. He says im buying the Anthem, he loves it. Im going to the other store tomorrow to see the Marantz av 7005 at the "other" store tomorrow. Like the idea of testing it in my own room so the Marantz is at a strong dissadvantage.. Of course I like the idea of spending 1000 less on the Marantz.. Anyhow, just keeping you guys updated. Cant wait for 7pm to get here.


Well Gentlemen.. The sales rep for my video store here in Houston is bringing an Anthem MRX 700 (this is a receiver), and an Integra DHC- 80.3. Over this evening. He says im buying the Anthem, he loves it. Im going to the other store tomorrow to see the Marantz av 7005 at the "other" store tomorrow. Like the idea of testing it in my own room so the Marantz is at a strong dissadvantage.. Of course I like the idea of spending 1000 less on the Marantz.. Anyhow, just keeping you guys updated. Cant wait for 7pm to get here.
Make sure they are both calibrated with their routines. You need to be the one doing the calibration BTW if you can. Not the dealer.

If you can have someone swap out the units and throw a towel over them. Don't do the critical listening sighted to the processor. You don't need to know which is which to make your SQ assessment.


I have just came to terms with the fact that I have ARR (Audio Related Retardation)!:confused:
I had the pleasure of finding a well informed sales person who not only brought an anthem unit to my home on Friday night, but also brought an Integra Unit Saturday night. He did his very best to calibrate both products to my room and stayed for about 8 hours each night. I then took my ungrateful butt to the Marantz store yesterday and listened to it for about two hours. The Marantz looked the coolest to me, but wasnt using B&W speakers so I dont even know if its a fair comparrison. I ask the sales associate if he had heard the Marantz on the B&W product and he said "No.. But some guy came in and purchased a different process who was running those".. I said "which one".. He said the Cary Audio Cinema 12. He then said its 4,600. We have to order it, and NO I have never heard it and no we dont discount products we dont stock, and we also require a substantial downpayment. I said how much? He said 100%. Wasnt the most gracious of sales people.. Seemed burdened that I had even stopped by his store much less ask to listen to his prized Marantz for about 2 hours. That really doesnt matter. My problem is simple. The Marantz sounded fine, but didnt blow me away and make me say I must own this. The Anthem, and the Integra sounded almost the same when watching the same movie to me. The salesman kept saying "see theres a difference in the two", and I would shake my head like I wasnt severely ill with my new found disease! When he played CDs on both system I do think I could tell a small difference. The integra seemed to be kind of a warm sound similar to my B&K. Kind of thick rich sound. The Anthem when playing the same CD felt like it wanted to scream at me. If it was the punk rock band of recievers/processors/pre's. Just my opinion anyhow, and it might be worthless. I might have been making it up in my head so that I could convice myself that my new found illness may not in fact be terminal! Even if what I thought I heard existed, I have to be honest and say that the Anthem sound wasnt bad, just different. It also seemed that the Anthem was actually LOUDER. However, im not a concert promoter, only 4 people sit in my media room so I dont know if thats even relevant either. I think the salesman that brought me the Anthem and Integra left sad Saturday night. He had found another useless consumer that had bought all this equipment because I could instead of because of an appreciation for the said equipment. I felt silly as well, and wondered if I would have been just as happy with a 2K Bose setup. He really is a patient guy, went well out of his way to show me any differences between the two components. I just couldnt really pull together a noticable difference. So Im left with the idea of trying to do something smart, and to purchase the cheapest product. I appreciate everyones advice, and I went into this with a clear head and tried to follow up on each of your recommendations. My problem is not the lack of expert and well thought advice from you guys and sales professionals. My problem is the lack of a keen ear, and/or an appreciation for good sound I guess cuz I tried like hell to hear the differences but rarely if ever did I hear one.


Audioholic Ninja
With speakers, after a point the all sound more similar than different. Then too, the differences are subtle. Likewise, with electronics, after a certain price there should be no audible difference because the improvement (or degradation) is below the threshold of auditory perception. The best analogy I can give is a computer monitor or small TV being viewed from afar. After a certain point in increasing resolution of incoming signal, they will look equally good.

I say, congrats! For not falling victim to peer pressure and salesmanship and for not perceiving difference if there truly wasn't any to discern.


Senior Audioholic
My problem is the lack of a keen ear, and/or an appreciation for good sound I guess cuz I tried like hell to hear the differences but rarely if ever did I hear one.
That's because when played within their limits, the only thing you should be hearing is speaker/room interactions. It's why people need to stop worrying about whether X receiver is too warm sounding vs. Y receiver and compare them in terms of functionality - does it have enough inputs for your gear, does it have pre-outs for external amplification, is the user interface intuitive and easy to use, etc.

I swear, it's like people are busy trying to pick up pennies off the ground with their cable risers, $4500 speaker wire, warm and cool receivers, etc. when there are $50 and $100 bills falling from the sky (using better speakers, setting up your room properly to accomodate them, multiple subwoofers for bass, etc).

When I bought my Denon 4311, I spent ZERO time worrying or caring whatever sonic difference my mind may have incorrectly thought was there. All I knew was:
a.) The 4311 had preouts, rendering the internal amplification moot should I spend the money.
b.) It had Audyssey's highest non-pro level room correction to try to work out any room issues I had.
c.) It had provisions for integrating 2 subs better than most other pieces of gear. Which, would be useful if I had subwoofers. :eek: :rolleyes:
d.) It had enough inputs for my different sources.
e.) Assuming it doesn't break down on me, it would hopefully serve my needs for quite some time in the future.

So, I wouldn't feel bad about not hearing anything. Just find a well built receiver/pre-amp that has the features you want and go enjoy your content.
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Did he do the full ARC and Audyssey setup with both models?
He spent about 3 hours the first night with a small microphone on the Anthem. He spent about 1.5 hours on the integra with a laptop. calibrating them both. I cant complain one bit about him doing his absolute best to calibrate my room to the best of his abilities. both evenings he arrived at 7pm and left about 2am. I cant do anything but appaud him for his best effort. I just couldnt really hear a difference in the two.


Taking what you have said:

Go with the Integra an give that guy one helluva tip.


Both sales guys did bring up very valid points and Im glad I met them.
The salesman that came to my home made a good point. DONT GO WITH a 3d processor! I ask Why? He said, this is clearly set up as a mans room. Invite those you wish to join you, but its your room currently. When you make the 6 and 8 year old happy it becomes their room! They are at an age where they will still watch the same movie over and over,when friends come over friends will have to see the movie too, and before to long daddy is out of town and they decide they know how to operate this equipment this always spells out huge problems. He was right. Currently, they are afraid to even go to the door without daddy being in there. He said, im opening Pandoras box! He might be right.
The marantz salesman brought up a good point as well. Why would I even consider the Anthem 700 if I was going to use it as a processor? I said I didnt know.. He said, save yourself a ton of cash if you favor the Anthem and buy the 300. If your simply using it as a processor with no plans of moving it into the den or another area at a later date, buy the cheaper version.. Your amp is doing the lifting anyway and other than that there is absolutely zero difference between the 300, 500, and 700.


Audioholic Slumlord
Weird I wonder if your unit has a problem.
I also have great potential for ground loops as I have 6 media player, one satellite TV receiver, 3 power amplifiers and a plasma all in the same racks and interconnected together, plus 4 subs, 3 of them via speaker level yet I have never had any ground loop hum with my Marantz. Actually I also have it connected to my 2 channel separate system nearby, that's another 1 power amp, two preamp, and 4 more players.

The hum that AK and may be a few other posters elsewhere have/had remains a mystery. I do recall he tried many different things and nothing worked for him.

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