For that kind of cash, it better keep the beer at the perfect temp, make
good coffee and wash the dishes too

I can't see a solid machined block case adding any real world benefit to the amp.
Not exactly

Forged and machined rims are different things. They do not forge a block of aluminum and then machine it, that would serve little purpose. Machined rims are machined from a chunk while forged rims are actually "compressed" into their shape. They do machine some rims after forging to lighten them further, but we are talking about small amounts of material removed from specific places, not machining the final shape. Forged rims are generally MUCH lighter and stronger than a comparable machined rim, but they are also quite a bit more expensive because forging isn't cheap. On my old car, my forged 16" rims were lighter than the 15" machined aluminum ones they replaced. The price difference between the two was almost 3X for the forged.