Hey, man - a possible b-day idea for ya (and maybe something other people here will like).
I hope this doesn't come across as a shameless plug for an Amazon review, because that's not what I mean by it. You made a joke about not getting exercise, and in case you were serious, I can totally relate. I mentioned earlier that I got one of
these workout bars and love it. When I posted my review, the others were pretty negative. Now, there are other positive reviews. I do think that
my review is the most thorough (and provides pictures of the product installed), but it won't take long to read the other six that are there now. I don't think that I can say my thoughts any better than I did in the review. It appears to be identical to the Iron Gym version, but it's about $8 less...and well worth the <$19 price tag, IMO. If you've got a suitable door frame in your office or home, I think it's great. I put getting one off for years because I wasn't sure how I'd like it, but now I do pull ups every day. Not enough to make me a linebacker, sure, but enough to make me feel better.