Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
I was looking at my system thread and saw a post from Gimpy Ric. Brought a tear to my eye. What a great guy.


Audioholic Ninja
Whats up man? Hows the beer? I just cracked one myself. Stillllllllll working... This project is going to be the death of me... But its been incredibly rewarding.

Here's a breakdown...

Artist submits small pieces she makes- product range well into the hundreds...

Its my job to mass produce them (mass produce meaning about a hundred or so at a time- nothin too crazy)

She makes them out of ceramic- turn around is about 3 weeks... We have to turn them around in about two days.. ceramic is out...

So.. Engineered a porcelain infused resin compound that is open cast...
Porcelain doesn't paint well.
Changed compound- over and over and over.

Got the compound- making shapes now. Having paint issues...

Changed paint... Formulated sealer. Doesn't work with paint. Over and over. Find a sealer we LOVE. Paint still doesnt work.

Turns out chemical in molding silicones don't play nicely with paint. Re-do molds. Paint works. Sealer works. Limited colors. Back to paint. Settle on new paint and sealer, but finished shape doesn't work now. Back to molds.

More efficient way of decorating piece is established. Doesn't work with sealer. New sealer found, doesnt work with paint.

Tonight, I'm looking at a pad printer and ink. Expensive. All to create a piece that is still profitable through the supply chain.

I'm not proofreading.


Audioholic Ninja
At least I have lots of HVLP guns and paints and sealers to re-do speaker boxes. I might get into that tonight... Read skyline's build thread again... feeling inspired


Audioholic Jedi
The beer is good. My night is not NEARLY as stressed as yours. I've been there, but I'm on vacation now. Yep, vacation. Few and far between, but I've got more than three weeks left. Yeah, I'm kinda bragging. :eek: :D


Audioholic Ninja
The beer is good. My night is not NEARLY as stressed as yours. I've been there, but I'm on vacation now. Yep, vacation. Few and far between, but I've got more than three weeks left. Yeah, I'm kinda bragging. :eek: :D
Haha.. nice.. well enjoy... Thats a long vacation... wow. Its really not that stressful- it has its moments. Its been the most frustrating product we've taken on, but honestly- I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just doing whatever it takes to make sure they don't figure that out just yet. Keepin the wheels on the bus...

And yes- the beer is good...


Audioholic Slumlord
Young Adam, what exactly are you making? Are you still doing the counter top thing? It sounds interesting. What did you take in school besides religion? That's sort of interesting too.

Old Adam, are you still up? :eek: :D


Audioholic Jedi
Old Adam, are you still up? :eek: :D
Hmmm, I might have been. I stopped checking the forum though because it was so slow. Okay, that normally doesn't stop me :D, but I'm trying to find a happier medium than spending all day on here, snapping, and taking a year and half off. :)


Audioholic Spartan
There are so many posts here now by Adex2507 that I cannot keep up with reading all of them :eek:


Audioholic Slumlord
I think it's weird that one of the commenters knew to call the outfit a singlet.

... aside from that it looked like an evening w/ Rick and Doug. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I have 24 hours to maintain my motivation to go to the public library and farmers market tomorrow morning, my first trip to either one. They are right next to each other. I want to get a library card so that I can check out audio books online, and I want to see if there are any locals farmers with eggs and/or dairy products. If the animals are treated well, I'd love me some eggs and milk.


Audioholic Jedi
Wow, I thought the only thing you drank was beer. :eek:
It's like you don't even know me. Clearly, I also drink wine and vodka. :D

I gave up dairy and eggs this summer - a small stand against how animals are treated in mass agriculture. A small, imperceptible, utterly ineffective stand...but it makes me feel better. Well, that, and Niki's yeast infection cleared up when I stopped giving her milk. Who knew? Probably everyone but me... :eek:
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