I'm about to cut the port in. Decided to put it in the back, centered between the base of the cabinet and the lower brace. I'll then put the binding posts just above the lower brace.
My question is, in the original cabinet design they have the port mounted in the base of the cabinet and it's 4" long. While they did say it can be moved to the back w/ no noticable difference in sound, and they said to make it the same length; is that "same length" based on what's inside the cabinet? When the port goes through the bottom in their design, it's 4" long and is mounted through 1 1/2" of MDF when it's in the base- leaving a total of 2 1/2" of port in the inside of the cabinet. If I move the port to the back of the cabinet and leave it 4", there will be 3 1/4" of port inside the cabinet because the rear is a 3/4" piece of MDF instead of going through 1 1/2" of MDF.
Long story short, do I make the port 3 1/4" long when going through the back or leave it at 4"?
Edit: Scratch that whole message, it can't be less than 4" cuz of the design of the way the port parts go together... 4" it is!