Think my dog had a bad stroke...



Audioholic General
Got woken up at 4:40 am to my younger dog freaking out and knocking open the bedroom door. I was going to try to get back to sleep, but then heard some weird thumps in the family room. It was the old dog.

Her symptoms:
- poo in a couple of spots
- peed on the carpet
- can't stand up or walk
- breathing heavy
- high heart rate
- head hanging off center to the right
- eyes rotating in a set pattern that repeats
- Can't focus
- drooling

I think it's the end of the line for a dog that I have had longer than I have known the wife. It's going to be a tough day...


Senior Audioholic
Sorry man. Nothing worse than losing your pal.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm very sorry to here the news.
The worst day of my life was when I had to put down my dog of 14 years.

My thoughts are with you.


Audioholic Overlord
Been there, done that. I truly feel for ya.

A pets bond to it's chosen people and capabability for love for that person(s) matches, and in some case, surpasses, that of humans and their loss can hurt more than non pet-lovers can imagine.
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Audioholic General
Ok, I haul the mutt into the vet at 7 am. I carry her to the car, carry into the vet. Nurse checks out the dog on the table. Then we move her to the floor and then she starts walking around. I'm like "WTF???"

Vet comes in checks her out and finds nothing wrong. Clearly, she had something happening. At 14 years old, not worth doing a brain scan. Vet thinks there is something going on in her brain. Possibly a tumor that is causing seizures. Won't know.

Go home, monitor her. We are here till 6 tonight and till 1 tomorrow.

$58 later she walked into the house and I have a mess to clean up. Sigh...


Audioholic Overlord
You've been given a new appreciation for what/who she is. Cherish her while you can.


Audioholic Overlord
Ok, I haul the mutt into the vet at 7 am. I carry her to the car, carry into the vet. Nurse checks out the dog on the table. Then we move her to the floor and then she starts walking around. I'm like "WTF???"

Vet comes in checks her out and finds nothing wrong. Clearly, she had something happening. At 14 years old, not worth doing a brain scan. Vet thinks there is something going on in her brain. Possibly a tumor that is causing seizures. Won't know.

Go home, monitor her. We are here till 6 tonight and till 1 tomorrow.

$58 later she walked into the house and I have a mess to clean up. Sigh...
It's hard to see a dog go, but make very sure you get a puppy soon after she passes. There is nothing like a new puppy to cheer you up. I still remember when Polly died that was a hard time. She was a collie that was abandoned with a chain around her neck. My grandfather took her in, but she hated being indoors. So she was by her own choice an outdoor dog. Of course the yard is huge so she really loved it. We taught her to clear out rabbits and mice from the garden. But we got another dog, a toy poodle being mistreated at a "breeder". He is the complete opposite, but still a great animal.

Enjoy your last moments and say your goodbyes.


Audioholic Spartan
That can be a scary thing to endure, my dog has seizures and the first time it happened it freaked me out. They aren't currently bad or often enough for me to put him on meds, but the vet said in the future they will probably get worse, so I guess one day I'll have to give him meds. But even still, every time he has a seizure it scares me and I hate seeing him like that, and he usually pees and or poops or vomits before or after it happens, so it's never a fun occasion. Maybe your dog had a seizure, but it's hard to say. Hope he's ok though, it's never easy seeing your pet go through something difficult like that.


Audioholic Jedi
Best wishes to all of you, man. Your first post had me very sad - something like that would be devastating and words escape me. To see that she seems to have bounced back is encouraging. I sure hope that it was something temporary and that she feels better for a long time to come.

Do you think that maybe she got bitten or ate something that caused that reaction?


Audioholic General
Best wishes to all of you, man. Your first post had me very sad - something like that would be devastating and words escape me. To see that she seems to have bounced back is encouraging. I sure hope that it was something temporary and that she feels better for a long time to come.

Do you think that maybe she got bitten or ate something that caused that reaction?
I don't think it's anything she ate, this time. We had another incident back in spring when I was traveling for work and she wouldn't eat, couldn't keep anything down, etc. So I had my mom haul her into the vet and the vet found nothing wrong. Only afterwards did my wife tell me that she had barfed up something really gross. So that time we think she ate something that caused a blockage until she barfed it up.

This time, her hind hips have been getting weaker and weaker with falling more frequently on slicker surfaces. It's harder and harder for her to get up regardless of what type of surface she is laying on. She's just getting old. Over the last two months, she also has been having bladder control issues. Like fall down and the bladder empties. It's been getting worse. Blood work was inconclusive and she just finished up a course of antibiotics in case of a UTI. No improvement.

The other dog has been acting a lot more freaked out lately. So it's possible she has been having small seizures leading to the bladder issue. I've not actually seen her pee in the house, just found the result. I have seen her fall down outside and empty her bladder. She was acting weird this past weekend. Like totally a puppy. Super hyper, energetic, etc. So something could be going on in the brain.

I know she's nearing the end. Just trying to make her comfortable and trying to figure out when is the right time for "the injection."

I got her out of the humane society back in 1998. They figured she was less than a year old so born in 1997. I lived up in northern Minnesota about 10 miles from the Canadian border. The nearest McD's was 70 miles away. So nowhere. She used to drive me nuts with her energy. Finally I got mad, threw in the truck with my ATV, and drove to the trails along the border. Then I took off on the ATV and she chased after me. Look back and her tongue is hanging, eyes wide, and the biggest smile you could find on a dog. She was a runner! It got to be a regular deal for us. It would be about 5 miles at 25 mph before she would even begin to act tired. I used to walk her past the local school before work. She would try to scrape up the frog wafers off the road. Nothing like prying open her jaw to dig out a frog wafer. Then one day she found a half-eaten Taco Bell burrito. She was in heaven. That was a struggle to get her away from it.

Then when I lived in Iowa, our last place there was 20 acres. So she never left the yard. Just bummed out in the fields. It was a dog paradise there. She'd dig holes going after gophers, hunt chipmunks, etc. She loved it. She was quite the hunter. She'd catch mice in the house, moles in the yard, snakes, etc. Didn't matter. She almost nailed the neighbors cat one time. It never wandered over in our yard again after I saved it.

It used to be she would kill what she caught. But the last several years, she has been liking to eat it too. One 4th of July about 2 years back, we had just sat down to a lunch of grilled cheeseburgers. Yum! She walks in and promptly barfs up a baby bunny right on the kitchen floor. I got stuck cleaning it up. Ugh!

She's been a good dog for the most part. We have had our moments. But she was an alpha dog and too smart for her own good. Now she is white around the muzzle, mostly deaf, partly blind, and works to stand up. She's had a full life for sure.


Audioholic Spartan
I hope she recovers, but if she doesn't I hope for a quick passing. It's just too damn heart breaking when a dog has a slow demise. Good luck to the both of you.


Audioholic Jedi
Ok, I haul the mutt into the vet at 7 am. I carry her to the car, carry into the vet. Nurse checks out the dog on the table. Then we move her to the floor and then she starts walking around. I'm like "WTF???"

Vet comes in checks her out and finds nothing wrong. Clearly, she had something happening. At 14 years old, not worth doing a brain scan. Vet thinks there is something going on in her brain. Possibly a tumor that is causing seizures. Won't know.

Go home, monitor her. We are here till 6 tonight and till 1 tomorrow.

$58 later she walked into the house and I have a mess to clean up. Sigh...
She may have a brain tumor but probably not. Seizures a very common in older dogs. I suspect the old dog had a period of repetitive focal seizures. (Status epilepticus)

My advice no scans, wait and see what happens. If these episodes are widely spaced in time do nothing. If she has another two episodes in a relatively short space of time, I would have your vet treat empirically with anti seizure meds.


Audioholic Jedi
Sorry to hear it man. Sounds like that time is getting close. Just make her as comfortable and spoiled as you like and let her live out her time happy. I agree that if they are widely spaced and they don't find anything obvious, there's not much you can do. When that time comes, you will surely know.

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