I am in need of a new receiver, my NAD crapped out this year, and I've been using my bedroom Marantz for too long and need to put it back.
The NAD broke once under warranty and now seems totally shot. It had no features, at all, but sounded noticeably better than the Marantz, but due to the terrible reliability I don't think I want another. The Marantz was a refurb, and the volume knob quit working quickly, so I'm not sold on them either.
This has also led me to the realization that spending more is a waste, as I use very few features once setup, and they apparently just break!
I have a Emo XPA-5 (w/ Onix Rockets and SVS sub), so I need preouts. Turns out nothing in the reasonable price range I've seen has them any more? My Marantz 4600 and NAD 743 had them and were not super high level....so what gives now.
Anyways, does anyone have any ideas of AVR's under $300 (lower the better) w/ preamp outputs? I would like HDMI switching, auto setup like Audyssey, and decent crossover settings. I don't know that I'm familiar with all the other bells and whistles. Neither of my current ones had any of these so I figure an older model on closeout will still be an improvement. I've found many options that have more than I need, and look great, but no pre-outs of course.