Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the Cure for Black Ops



Audioholics Robot
Staff member
After a carpel-tunnel inducing, twitch-fest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 marathon - my ears are still ringing from the machine gun and artillery fire. But I'm thoroughly invigorated and pleased to report that the latest installment of the Modern Warfare franchise is the best yet. Unlike the lateral movement that was Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3 is a clear step forward in depth, game options, weapons, builds and overall polish from its predecessor Modern Warfare 2. The all-new MW3 engine is no slouch either, bringing lighting, detail and overall graphics quality that are just a tiny cut above previous Modern Warfare games.

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Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
My MW3 record is nothing right now, I've barely touched it but I have done decently in most of the CoD games.

Here’s my advice:

Know the map
You have to know the maps. If you don’t know the map you’re just in a discovery phase, kill/death ratio means nothing. You MUST be able to dash full speed and know the upcoming snipe points/hiding places/high ground nesting places, walled areas people like to shoot from behind. You must KNOW the map.

Know where your team is. Use that minimap to guess-timate what you don’t know from what you DO know. If your team tends to be congregated in one area of the map and none of them are firing you can anticipate where the other team is probably lurking. Try to flank that area, move with cover when possible as you approach the 'open' front. Follow a teammate’s lead into the fray, often they'll take the first bullet for you.

Never fight fair
Don’t engage the enemy unless you have the advantage. Avoid going toe-to-toe, just NEVER do that. Only kill when it’s a borderline dirty kill and you either totally have the drop on them or you’re able to fire on someone fully exposed from behind cover.

Don’t get into a face-to-face shootout with someone unless you’re tired of living. To be perfectly honest (with myself) most of the kids playing are way better than me, they can aim faster while moving. Usually if someone is willing to go mano-a-mano with me in the open it’s only because they feel they have an advantage and I don’t know what it is –– ergo - I should definitely take cover.

Flash grenades
Use flash grenades for defence only. A lot of people try to use them as offence, I don’t make that mistake anymore. Yes, you get that targeting reticule the second your flash hits a target but you don’t know what the effect is, it could be minimal so diving in as if you got a sure kill is a mistake.

OTOH, using the flash to determine if someone is hiding somewhere within throwing distance (the targeting reticule goes off) is good to expose the enemy but don’t assume they’re incapacitated in any way. I like to use a flash grenade when I’m running for my life, leave one in my wake. So, if I’ve sniped someone and the cavalry is coming for revenge (I’ve seen two or more coming at me) I’ll switch weapons to something light, like a pistol and get the hell out of there, drop a flash right where I was sniping from as I leave.

When I’m hit by a flash with minimal effect I can’t wait to see the enemy come running around the corner thinking they’ve got me. It’s a zero sum gain, they know I’m there but I also know where they’re coming from now and they think I’m incapacitated by their flash. When I’m not – they’re usually dead.

Keep passion out of it
It’s only a game. A lot of people have a tendency to be incensed that they died… AGAIN so they run straight into exactly what just got them killed hoping for a different outcome. You’re frustrated (in a fun way of course) and you’re not thinking straight. When I get killed AGAIN and go “ARGH!” in frustration I go prone when I respawn. I just take two seconds to rethink what I’m about to do. If I spawned close to my death area then I am better able to deal with my killer from the prone position. Don’t just rush in… you’ll rack up deaths before you know it.

On the same token, play the way you play and don’t get drawn into a pissing match with other players. Everyone accuses others of being n00bs, campers etc when they die, it’s just the sign of a weak-minded individual. Don’t get sucked in and don’t let it take you off your game. Camping is a good strategy and any decent player can counter the camp especially when they’re aware of it.

Pick a build and be it
If you are new to the game stick to a lowest common denominator build… use the assault rifle and a grenade launcher. Yes, I’m calling it somewhat cheap, but it’s a legit build I find nothing wrong with it. It will help you in both tighter, smaller maps and large roomier maps. If you’re learning, go assault rifle/grenade launcher.

If you’re a sniper… 1/ pick up a secondary, drop that pistol. 2/ relocate after no more than two rounds unless your confidence is extremely high. I like to snipe personally, it’s my fav tactic.

On sniping
There are obvious high-nest points. I don’t snipe from those. I take a low place in the grass next to the high roost that everyone is watching. If a hapless enemy sniper occupies that spot I’ll shoot him. Hiding in the open sometimes works – find unusual places from which to snipe, use angles to get wide views through doors, cave entrances and natural cover/barriers.

Don’t try to build a soldier that does too much. If you’re a sniper, be a sniper, don’t try to be a stealth sniper because it just makes you a less effective sniper. If you’re going to be a stealth character, go all in, use a silencers, avoid radar detection etc. etc. and be full out stealth.

Assault rifles with ACOG scopes are a half-assed sniper/assault rifle soldier IMHO which means they’re not as effective at either. Believe me, I’ve tried to bridge gaps with my builds. All things being equal, fighting someone of equal skill to you – they will kill you a majority of the time if you’re trying to be two builds at once. Pick a build and BE it!

Watch replays
Watch how just died. It’s a lost art but especially when you’re getting to know a map, you’ll find clever hiding spots you never thought of and learn interesting new tactics.

Watch your ping
If you’re below full four bars don’t expect a fair fight, you will not win a knife fight the enemy will beat you every time. If you have less than three bars don’t even play – find another game.
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Audioholic Spartan
I haven't picked up MW 3 yet, (in fact MW 2 was the last COD I played), but I probably will.

My biggest beef with the online is that there seems to be a discrepancy in the power of weapons. I can't tell you how many times where I was squaring off with a guy, both of us just blasting away at each other, but I always seemed to be the loser.

Also, I hate how there is no consequence of being shot. Tons of times I'd be looking at a guy running right at me filling him full of lead yet he doesn't even slow down. How lame is that? Gimme a break if you're hit by a bullet you're going to at least stumble or something.


Audioholic Chief
Good tips there Wayde.

While I'm certainly not a "top teir" player, you know the guys that have twenty something kills and like three deaths, I normally end up in the top 3 or 4 on the post game score board ... not bad for an old guy I think. :)

Normally I play the team oriented type games, deathmatch, mercenary and groundwar so I'll throw out some tips, in no particular order, based on those.

- Find games that you have good ping times. While the bars tell you a little about your connection the actual gameplay tells you MUCH more. If you have small lagging screen updates or others always seem to get the drop on you first even though you saw each other at the same time, find a new host.

- In team play, Kill/Death ratio is EVERYTHING. If everytime I spawn I can take down two opponents (or more) I'm doing really good, even if I sacrifice my life to do it. A lot of players seem to ignore the "team play" aspect and treat every game as a free for all.

- Stay near cover and know you clip depth. Be prepared to drop in behind cover (bullet proof cover) to reload or swap weapons. Also, a quick flashbang toss can save your life here.

- Use all of your equipment, frags, semtex, mines, etc, each time you spawn. There is no point in dying fully equiped, even if you just end up tossing a frag based on a mini-map's red dot, so be it. You'll be surprised how many kills I've gotten throwing frags based on the mini-map. :)

- Weapons (and equipment) are not balanced, and some really, really suck. Learn which ones are powerful and best fit into your gameplay style.

- Learn to quickly use you knife, almost a certain win in very close quarters.

- Don't seek revenge unless it's strategically sound to do so. If someone kills you a few times, so what ... move along. If a camper is picking off a fair number your team (or you) find a way to *safely* eliminate him.

- Make good use of you kill streaks rewards. Don't call in a UAV if someone else just did, wait until it expires. Setup SAM turrets near your spawn point, they'll probably last longer.

Hope some of this helps,


Audioholic Spartan
Watch your ping
If you’re below full four bars don’t expect a fair fight, you will not win a knife fight the enemy will beat you every time. If you have less than three bars don’t even play – find another game.
Maybe this is part of my issue. I've NEVER looked at the connection I was on.


Audioholic Intern
You just gotta play as yourself. Learn from mistakes. Trying to do too much e-learning and e-class builds will just confuse you and force you to play outside of your style.

Let it be natural.

Personally, I'm an assault rifle/sub machine gun guy. But I always play around with the classes. New perks, killstreaks, etc.

The one thing that does look interesting is the new specialist stuff.
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
Been playing MW3 multiplayer, man, I'm not that good, really. Mainly I just don't know the maps but knowing you're not so good can be a bit of an advantage - just don't fight fair and realize you're going to die a lot. It's still fun though.

I appreciate the tips.


Audioholic Chief
As long as it stays fun its all good Wayde!

It's tough to keep up with these kids online, they must have acquired super reactive thumb muscles or something ... maybe I just need a bigger plasma TV, ya, that'll do it!

Took out my first Juggernaut yesterday with a Javelin, that was nice. So in total kills that's about ... Juggernauts 36, me 1. :(



Audioholic Intern
XBL Gamertag
x Pwnjob Prince


Let me know what your gamertags are so we can party up.
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
I'll add you when I overcome my Skyrim habit that has pulled me away from MW3 for now.

my handle on PSN is:



Audioholic Overlord
Honestly I prefer RPGs, but is MW3 really an improvement?
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
I think it is. It's less of an improvement from MW2 than Skyrim is over Oblivion though. But I like the character build flexibility better, the Acog scope is better now, you get more options in killstreak and I love the new maps for multiplayer. The single player story sort-of concludes which is nice, makes me wonder what they'll do for MW4.


Audioholic Overlord
I think it is. It's less of an improvement from MW2 than Skyrim is over Oblivion though. But I like the character build flexibility better, the Acog scope is better now, you get more options in killstreak and I love the new maps for multiplayer. The single player story sort-of concludes which is nice, makes me wonder what they'll do for MW4.
I just don't think I can in good conscience buy it. I may someday be okay with it, but what they did to the development team was wrong. I've not played Skyrim yet, but Oblivion felt like a bad version of EQ to me. I'm afraid Skyrim would bring out those same feelings.

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