I'm not clear on what is meant by 'homemade No Rez' in Post #3 and that 5 step finish process left me in the dust with the double boiler action. I hate that guy even more now that I read the thread. He sucks.
I wasn't clear on that homemade No Rez either. The guy, WGH, who bought those speakers does woodwork for a living, custom woodwork and furniture. Check out the door in his avatar. I'm guessing he made that.
Would those speakers be the store bought counter part to the ER18's?
Those speakers are
Salk HT2-TLs with custom made cabinets. They probably sound identical to the ones that
Tom Andry reviewed. From reading the thread, it seems like WGH made the mesquite 1/8" veneer and the 1" solid boards for the speaker front baffles as shown in his photos. Then he sent them to Jim Salk in Michigan, who built the MDF cabinets, veneered them, mounted the front boards, did all the routing work, installed the XOs, drivers & wiring, and shipped them to WGH. He then sanded and applied the lovingly hand-rubbed finish. Yes, I'm jealous of those too.
The speaker lust is killing me. That guy's tool set up is super impressive and even so he refers to the amount of labor in those as being insane. TLS' truism about the work being nothing in the rear view mirror is small consolation on this side of a job like that. Man ...
You will never see a photo of my basement and tools.
I take it not everybody saw a 4 foot tall vagina there? Well ... I guess we can't all be romantics.
To be exactingly literal, I saw the outline a gracefully slender woman, lying face down with her legs modestly crossed at the knees. You could see from the top of her head to just above her knees. There was no gynecological anatomy visible. I suppose there is a large diameter port (4 or 6") on the rear baffle, but don't even think of it

. That's just wrong.
I wonder how many mesquite tree trunks that guy had to slice before he found that grain pattern? Or was it just luck?