I want all magazines tosent in a square wave and measure the amp's output at low mid and high volume. A square wave will tell tons about an amp's behaviour.
I agree, keep in mind a square wave can be represented with an infinite series of sine waves of harmonic frequencies. May I remind you of the Fourier series. You may even have some old university/college math text books in your basement? Regardless, I also agree with you on this; and I often wonder why the high end guys (just the more common ones) such as Conrad Johnson, Krell, Audio Research, Boulder, etc., have not bothered demonstrating their superior measurements in those departments (Grant seemed to think they might excel in those things

easy now Grant I said "seemed"...) I mean they should show they perform in those and compared theirs with the lower end products such as Parasound, Bryston, Anthem etc.
This is the third time I mention this in this thread. Those published noise specs are a misprint. If you look at the receiver industry as a whole and NAD's past performance numbers, do you honestly think NAD would risk putting anything out there that measures this poorly? Think about it.
If you read the fine print of this thread you will know that you, me and at least someone else had said simular things about misprint/typo possibilities and Mark also said "Who care", I guess meaning we should just ignore it anyway in that case.

By the way, fwiw we are not even the first and second who said anything about misprint/typo.