I understand what you are saying, but I maintain what I referred to earlier as myths are still myths, or at lease almost...
Take a Yamaha RX-AXXXX for example that is, say rated by them as 120WPC, and is in the same price range as that NAD. Now think of it as a 60WPC AVR, and then measured their X microsecond unclipped transient power, as well as power into 4 ohms, I will bet you they will come up with numbers equal or better than that NAD. NAD, HK rated their gear more conservatively, but they are not more powerful from a W/$, everything else (SQ, features etc.) being more or less equal. The optics are there mainly because they (manufacturers) are allowed to rate their power outputs based on different standard...
Now if one insists on ignoring price ($/W and of comparable SQ based on verifiable specs), then I would agree a 60W rated NAD will most likely be more powerful than a 60W rated Denon, Yamaha, Pioneer, Onkyo etc., no argument from me.