Robin Makes Apperance in Batman: Arkham City



Audioholic Samurai
Robin will be a playable character in Batman: Arkham City put there's a catch, in order to use Robin you will need to pre-order from GameStop in the UK or for those of us here in the States it's Best Buy.

As part of the pre-order you will get Robin, two alternate costumes and two challenge maps geared specifically for Robin all for the low price of $59.99 and if you call in the next ten minutes.........Sorry about that I was channeling Ron Popeil again I do apologize.

Batman: Arkham City is set to release October 18th in North America and the 21st in Europe.

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Audioholic Samurai
I agree but here's the kicker I can see this being offered as DLC a month after the game is released maybe sooner. It's happened before people rushed out to pre-order to get some exclusive content only to see it show up on XBL and PSN a couple of weeks later.
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its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Yeah, that's very possible and most likely what will happen. I think that's semi-lame too though. The character and costumes should just be accessible in the first place.


Audioholic Samurai
IMHO DLC is one of worst things that has happen to the gaming industry, Now it seems like every game receives DLC not to long after the game releases or worse still you'll read the dev talking about they have just completed DLC for a game that has yet to release in some game mag. There should be some type of guide lines when it comes to DLC because far too often the DLC is some extra characters, weapons which should have been available to you from the start or after you ran through the game once.
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its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I agree. They just nickel & dime you to death with DLC nowadays.


Audioholic Spartan
IMHO DLC is one of worst things that has happen to the gaming industry, Now it seems like every game receives DLC not to long after the game releases or worse still you'll read the dev talking about they have just completed DLC for a game that has yet to release in some game mag. There should be some type of guide lines when it comes to DLC because far too often the DLC is some extra characters, weapons which should have been available to you from the start or after you ran through the game once.
Yeah, it must have pissed off the Xbox guys to have the PS 3 version of Mass Effect 2 come out with the DLC included. But at least they got to play the game first. Worked out well for me though, I bought the game used for $20 and got all the DLC for free. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I read about this, but didn't know it would be DLC. Figures. They said the costume from the original show and one from the comics are unlockable as well.


Audioholic Samurai
Yeah, it must have pissed off the Xbox guys to have the PS 3 version of Mass Effect 2 come out with the DLC included. But at least they got to play the game first. Worked out well for me though, I bought the game used for $20 and got all the DLC for free. :D
No doubt and I fully understand it, had a buddy who bought MK9 and was upset when he found out it had Day-1 DLC.


Audioholic Samurai
Well my suspicions that Best Buy's pre-order exclusive would be made available to the rest of the public seems to be confirmed, the DLC will be made available for purchase separately for $6.99 on 11-22-2011


Audioholic Intern
IMHO DLC is one of worst things that has happen to the gaming industry, Now it seems like every game receives DLC not to long after the game releases or worse still you'll read the dev talking about they have just completed DLC for a game that has yet to release in some game mag. There should be some type of guide lines when it comes to DLC because far too often the DLC is some extra characters, weapons which should have been available to you from the start or after you ran through the game once.
QFT. It has totally ruined gaming. They might as well have just put it in the game to begin with. Now games are getting pumped out way too fast, and simply being edited with constant patches and DL content.

Remember the days of Super Mario 64, and Starfox 64. Super Mario 64 took me a long as time to beat. Starfox had soo much content on release, none of that secret multiplayer stuff was DL content. Nowadays, you would just have to pay for it.


Audioholic Samurai
QFT. It has totally ruined gaming. They might as well have just put it in the game to begin with. Now games are getting pumped out way too fast, and simply being edited with constant patches and DL content.

Remember the days of Super Mario 64, and Starfox 64. Super Mario 64 took me a long as time to beat. Starfox had soo much content on release, none of that secret multiplayer stuff was DL content. Nowadays, you would just have to pay for it.
There where some good games on it but the N64 did have it own issues such as the Expansion Pak which was a must have for Perfect Dark without it you'll couldn't do single player, co-operative and counter-operative campaigns, as well as 3 and 4 player support for multiplayer. Which always bothered me since in reality very few games utilized it and back in 1999 it cost about $50 so include the price of the game at that time you were out $100-$120.


Audioholic Intern
Yea I never had he expansion pack, any game that required it I simply didn't get. I was young at the time, and my parents didn't understand why they would have to buy me an extra device on top of the game for my birthdays and stuff.

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