what can i do about room treatments? Is that the same as room correction?EQ ect? Just wondering. Thanks, Mike
The primary reason for justifying room treatments are, 1) some room effects cannot be fixed by signal processing 2) they reduce the amount of processing needed, thereby, allowing sound reproduction more faithful to the source information. Indeed, some of the most fanatical audio purists use zero processing and prefer to only control the room effects using treatments.
Room treatments are sound absorbers and diffusers. When these are strategically located in the room (for example, corners and wall intersections for bass traps, first reflection point for absorbers, ceiling and side wall for diffusers), they help control room acoustical issues before signal processing (Audessy/YAPO/etc.).
The concept can be applied in unobtrusive manners too. For example, if one has hardwood floors, simply placing a heavy carpet in front of the listening position will reduce sound reflected from the floor. Most likely this will lessens the treble. Also, if one has a large window, this can be covered with heavy drapes.
Real Traps has a bunch of instructional videos and this one covers the basics,
RealTraps - How to Set Up a Room.