Hello everyone,
I got some questions regarding Yamaha RX-V1600 Receiver, 7.1-120WPC.
I just bought this used, but mint condition, Yamaha receiver from Craigslist in Los Angeles. It had the box, both remotes, and the manual.
Anyway, I hook it up to two sets of my speakers for A & B.
A - Tannoy System 800
B - Klipsch KG 2.5
The volume level indicator for the RX-V1600 goes from -xxdB to 0dB. I was listening at a level of -20 to -25dB for few days, checking different PROGRAM Options of the receiver.
This morning before leaving to work, I had both of my speakers blasting some classic rock at -11dB for about 20 minutes and suddenly the receiver shut it self up. (Front panel went dark).
It has the Master ON/OFF switch, and the Main Zone relay switch. I pressed the Master ON & OFF, then Main Zone switch - nothing.
I unplugged the power, turn the master ON. Pressed the zone, but nothing. The manual's troubleshoot only gives general protection description.
1. Did I overload the amp? by having both A+B speakers at -11dB?
2. The volume level -11 dB was loud, not not room shaking loud. Is this normal?
3. Is my receiver defective?
I had to leave to work 20 minutes after it died, but I will check back when I get home. I hope it turns back on.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.