I just finished up installing over 50 sheets of 1/2 inch ply over various beach front homes and two homes being renovated , all throughout Cape May. I already secured my own property as best as I could under the circumstances, 350 gallons of water in reserve, 50 gallons of drinking water in a safe cool place, two boat coolers filled to the brim with ice ,two propane tanks full , candles, dry goods, canned goods, flashlights, and one generator between two neighbors, knucklehead across the road has a genny but couldn't afford gas so I made him an offer and thats how it will be I will supply 70.00 worth of gas and keep my fridge cold as needed. I will try to keep ya posted, peace, sawz.
Put the Grundens in the foyer as well , these things (irene) sure do bring the rain.