Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Slumlord
What consequences? Satisfaction? A feeling of contentment? That relaxing lull after a filling meal?)
^Spoken by the tofu killer ... :rolleyes: ^

In the words of Tom Cruise, "Matt, you're being glib".

I didn't know what glib meant before that.

Honey? Is that you? :confused:
... and you won't be getting any tonight either. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Amazon Prime just added the entire Star Trek TV franchise (some in HD) to it's free streaming. Pretty sweet. It'll be even better once they go to surround sound.


Audioholic Spartan
Amazon Prime just added the entire Star Trek TV franchise (some in HD) to it's free streaming. Pretty sweet. It'll be even better once they go to surround sound.

Hey Alex,
I may be busy for a few days. Mind if we take a break?


Audioholic Jedi
I remember when this thread was the AH chat line. I miss that. I know that I can blame myself for leaving for so long...


Audioholic Slumlord
My pleasure. Can we do it again?

I remember when this thread was the AH chat line. I miss that. I know that I can blame myself for leaving for so long...
Blame Obama for fixing the economy enough to where I'm working again.

I'm meeting Jeff to get his RX-2600 this afternoon.

Knowing him he will use the money to support the Obama re-election campaign ... and to buy the body of work that James Cameron has contributed to. :D

I'm looking forward to having that rec'r replace my H/K AVR 430 and Pioneer SX-650 which I used because of it's phono input. I'm going to install the 650 in a friends butcher shop for 100 bucks worth of meat. I know ... weird, right?

Now I gotsta boogieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! ;)


Audioholic Jedi
There must be something about this forum - I don't make jokes like that anywhere else, but I just can't help myself here. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Couldn't you let me down easy?:eek:

Blame Obama for fixing the economy enough to where I'm working again.
What about the rest of us?:mad:

I'm meeting Jeff to get his RX-2600 this afternoon.

Knowing him he will use the money to support the Obama re-election campaign ... and to buy the body of work that James Cameron has contributed to. :D
Couldn't he just buy a gun and shoot me?:eek:
I'm looking forward to having that rec'r replace my H/K AVR 430 and Pioneer SX-650 which I used because of it's phono input. I'm going to install the 650 in a friends butcher shop for 100 bucks worth of meat. I know ... weird, right?

Now I gotsta boogieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! ;)
Now that's a lot of meat! I understand why you don't have time for me now. Can't blame you there.

Is that $100 worth retail, or his cost?


Audioholic Spartan
HEY! No Political or computer talk here!:mad: They both hurt my brain.:(:)

Talk of meat and little blue pills are ok.:D
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