Just pulled the trigger on four RS225-8 woofers since they were on special, and grabbed the Dayton WT3 tester + precision scale combo since the scale was "free". I'm not sure if I really need it, but figured it would be fun to at least try out. Worst case, I decide it's useless and send it back, but I'm sure that as I get more and more into the DIY thing, it'll become more useful. (this is where one of you gurus tells me if I'm onto something, or if I'm a moron
Do you guys think the silver-faced NeoCd3.0 would look good next to the W4s, or should I stay with the black?
Jin, I swear I'll stop highjacking your thread soon
I just figured this would be a good place to start with my questions since you've already gone through this whole project.