I agree it sucks for their reps, but I am also having trouble figuring out why customers would buy these online. Velo has always made good products, but their prices have been higher than ID's with comparable or better products. With Velo you got that warm fuzzy of a dealer being nearby, supply chain, infrastructure, in store demo's, etc, that at least partially justified some of the added costs. Now, they are an ID company that has proven products, but not proven that they can survive/thrive in the ID world. It is still unknown how well they will respond to issues popping up with products without this.
Additionally, it looks like they have not lowered their prices at all (based off of a quick search with the products listed in their "Buy Now" online store vs. existing MSRP).
So my question is, why bother? Sure, some customers who have wanted a Velo and may not have had a dealer nearby can buy these now, but will they when a whole world of ID sub's, from companies with proven track records (for service, support, etc to an online community) that have stellar product for less $$$, exists? (think of Seaton, SVS, eD, Rythmik, Hsu, Epik).