I am using a balanced / unbalanced converter for my Denon to my Crown xls 402 amp. I finally had enough time to hook it all up and found I had a ground loop buzz coming thru my speakers which are thru the Crown outputs. I started the dreadful plug, unplug, move equipment, shift cables etc. Come to find out it is the converter power supply. If I unplug the power supply there is no noise thru the speakers. I did notice thru the sub that the video cable from my wonderful cable company had lots of noise in it till I grounded it it as it came out of the wall. Now the question is, the power source for the converter does not have a ground (it is a 2 prong plug), I have a few saying to lift all grounds via a 3 prong to 2 prong adapter. Surprisingly, the Denon AVR3805 does not have a 3 prong plug, I grounded the case to the wall outlet. Should I run a ground to the converter box chasis, should I follow the 3 to 2 prong adapter method, even though everythiing I read says not to dis-able the ground, Any advice is worth trying, thanks