Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
OK, I have to ask....vacuuming the back yard?
Okay, now that the obligatory euphemisms are out of the way :)...houses out here mostly have lawns covered in landscaping rocks and desert trees/plants. I hadn't cleaned out the rocks in the back yard in a while, and the build up of leaves (mesquite leaves are very small and very numerous) had formed a layer of detritus and top soil about an inch thick. There's some white stuff that looks like fungus growing in it, and I'm not sure what it is, so I want it gone. I've spent the past few months off-and-on cleaning out all of the areas, and I finally settled on using a lawn vac to do it (I was sifting the rocks and dirt through a colander, but that takes forever). I've been making a big push lately because the monsoon season is upon us, and today was the first day with a chance of showers. Once the rocks and dirt get wet, I won't be able to vacuum them until the dry out again.


With any luck I'll finally get my truck back from the body shop tomorrow. Over 85 days in the shop and $28,000 in repairs.

It'll be like getting a new truck all over again, even though it was new to start with. :(


Audioholic Jedi
With any luck I'll finally get my truck back from the body shop tomorrow. Over 85 days in the shop and $28,000 in repairs.

It'll be like getting a new truck all over again, even though it was new to start with. :(
Hey, Dave - I hope that you get it back tomorrow and that it's good as new. I remember my Prelude being in the shop - but not nearly that long - and it bothered me.

"Bring out the guy who hit my truck."
"Guy's sleeping."
"Well, I guess you're gonna have to go wake him up now, won't you?"


Audioholic Slumlord
Smoking weed.
You dirty girl. :( :p

I just got all done doin' that detailing stuff and man ... I mean all done.

I don't ever want to start with clay bar and work my way through polish to sealant again.

I got something to remove the wax from the black trim too. The fofo is gleaming. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
The fofo is gleaming.
I always hated the work, but there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of having a car look that nice, is there? I bet it's just silky smooth, too.

I hope that there isn't a storm on the way. :)


Audioholic Chief
How you guys been?! I've been the travelling man lately and not around much - fill me in. All is well with you all!?


Audioholic Jedi
How you guys been?! I've been the travelling man lately and not around much - fill me in. All is well with you all!?
Things are going well here. I just got back myself on Saturday. I'm currently bracing for this evening's festivities, only because Niki is terrified of fireworks. She should be all happy by tomorrow morning, though.

How about yourself?


Audioholic Overlord
What is this, The AH Homecoming Dance?

Anyhoo, welcome back to all those who were MIA until recently. I hope any problems that prevented your participation have been sorted out.


Audioholic Slumlord
How you guys been?
I have been struggling with the economic situation that the republicans left me in but other than that it's been okay. I went back to work a couple of weeks ago and am dieing to spend the money I ain't maid yet because I am a financially irresponsible liberal. :D


Audioholic Spartan
How you guys been?! I've been the travelling man lately and not around much - fill me in. All is well with you all!?
Thanks for asking Sensi... long time no see.....
We had a very good spring time with some trips abroad, but the so called summer is not so good around here, sometimes we can see the sun but mostly it's cold and wet.... so looking forward to a holiday on a warm place by the beach later this year (Bulgaria) :p

How are you? :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
Back to work today, like a lot of us. I'll try not to be gone as long as last time...


Audioholic Chief
Things are going well here. I just got back myself on Saturday. I'm currently bracing for this evening's festivities, only because Niki is terrified of fireworks. She should be all happy by tomorrow morning, though.

How about yourself?
Cool cool! Niki is a dog? I heard their ears are 10x more sensitive to fireworks explosions. That's why they go nuts.

Anyhoo, welcome back to all those who were MIA until recently. I hope any problems that prevented your participation have been sorted out.
Hehe, no problems. Just been super busy, luckly starting to calm down. Guess it's good to be busy, considering the economy.

I have been struggling with the economic situation that the republicans left me in but other than that it's been okay. I went back to work a couple of weeks ago and am dieing to spend the money I ain't maid yet because I am a financially irresponsible liberal. :D
Haha. Sorry to hear your struggling. I've been doing alright with work, but it's been so busy - everything is harder now. :/ Working lots, doing all kinds of extra work....kind of the way of life now days.

Thanks for asking Sensi... long time no see.....
We had a very good spring time with some trips abroad, but the so called summer is not so good around here, sometimes we can see the sun but mostly it's cold and wet.... so looking forward to a holiday on a warm place by the beach later this year (Bulgaria) :p

How are you? :rolleyes:
Cool. Bulgaria, huh? I've never been, but it seems like their politics are pretty cleaned up.


Audioholic Spartan
Alex and dogs might not get along well "butt" he loves cats...check out his new tattoo!

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