So, I finally got around to terminating the Cat5e cable that I had run through the basement ceiling and wall, to connect the BD85 to the router. Wouldn't you know it - can't get a signal. Nadda. I changed the plug and jack at each end a couple of times. Square root of sweet F.A.
I thought I was careful when I installed the wire, before putting up the wallboard. Perhaps not careful enough.
Problem is, it's an older house and the ceiling/floor joists are only 8", so I didn't want to cut into them and run conduit. There's no way I'm going to be able to fish another piece of wire through now.
The only saving grace is that I haven't installed the baseboard molding yet, so I can run another wire behind that. Sometimes, it pays to procrastinate.
So, I made up another cable, ran it beside the wall and connected the BDP. Works perfectly.
I suppose the lesson here is to check wire for continuity before covering it up - especially wire that is as fragile as Cat5e.
I should know better than to ignore Murphy's law.
I'll probably remove the connectors from the dead wire and check continuity with my multimeter before I write it off completely, just to be sure. I assembled a couple more ethernet cables that worked perfectly, so I just can't believe that having tried several plugs and a couple of jacks, that it's my assembly that's at fault. We'll see...