I wouldn't call that a good thing...
Well here's why.
No transformer can create energy, in fact there is always waste (loss).
Now in a conventional transformer all of the power passes through the transformer primary and secondary.
In an auto transformer, only the power of the voltage change is passed though the transformer, so losses are reduced.
However the power from the output devices must equal the power in the load minus transformer loss.
Now lets take a good direct coupled amp that can deliver 105 watts into 8 ohms. That requires a 29 volts and a current of 3.625 amps.
Now it is a good amplifier and lets lower the load to 4 ohms. A good amplifier will maintain voltage and so the current will increase to 7.25 amps and the power delivered will be 210 watts.
Now lets look at the auto transformer situation.
To deliver 105 watts into four ohms requires a voltage of 20.5 volts and the current is 5.1 amps.
Now lets assume the ratio is 1:1 at four ohms, so all the voltage is delivered by the load.
Now to deliver 105 watts into 8 ohms as stated above requires 29 volts and 3.625 amps.
So the voltage from the power transistors is 20.5 volts, so we need 8.5 volts from the auto transformer. This is a ratio of 1:1.4 rounded off.
So the power transistors are still delivering 105 watts + a small loss from the transformer, which for this illustration we will ignore.
The voltage at the power transistors will still be 20.5 volts and the current 5.1 amps.
Now lets use the 8 ohm tap, but make the load 4 ohms.
The current into the load will double to 7.25 amps for a power of 210 watts.
Now if the power at the load is 210 watts, then the power delivered from the power transistors must be 210 watts.
The voltage at the power transistors is 20.5 volts which requires a current of 10.24 amps.
Now the direct coupled amp only needed to provide 7.25 amps.
Now heat generated id the square of the current X the resistance. The heating effect in a power transistor is the square of the current X its internal resistance.
Now Mac can't deny this when you push them and they don't.
Basically by use of the auto transformer you get the same power into all loads, which for this amp is 105 watts.