I've seen my share of this situation over on the Emotiva Lounge, but lets be fair on calling it a painful, slow and buggy process. There are many Lounge members that have never had a problem in updating their UMC-1 (I'm in this group and I've successfully updated 2 other UMC-1's where the owner was not able to, don't know why

), and yes a fair amount that have not had been able to update for whatever reason. I have to scratch my head at times wondering why those that are having problems updating are having the problems? As for those calling for the streamlined software updating of Onkyo/Integra, yes it would be nice, but I have to point to Anthem, Cary & Rotel as their update process is quite similar to the UMC-1's, so Emotiva isn't the only processor company doing it this way.