This was literally the FIRST feature length integrated live action CGI film ever done, and to be honest it was utterly amazing when it came out. Nothing like it had been done. The other, which was done about the same time, was The Last Starfighter, and that one is also quite good. Tron had a more involved story IMO, but it is quite dated at present. At the time, when computers were really kind of in their infancy, the humor was right on the money. The graphics look kinda cheezy now, but they were state of the art then. They were done on a CRAY "supercomputer", which was a big deal at the time
Rather than buying them separate and paying more, I bought the 5 disc set which unfortunately included the 3D disc that I have no use for at this point, but it also includes both the original and Legacy. I haven't watched the whole thing, but I thought the remastering on Tron was very well done. Even the former Special Edition DVD looks just good compared to the BD. Definitely one of my guilty pleasure favorite movies.