Crank that sucka! She can handle it.
Hehe. Yes! Adding the center has done wonders to watching content at lower volumes, as before with just the 2 channel it was harder to hear the dialogue unless I cranked it up a bit. Thanks again!
It looks great. I especially like the rack off to the side connected via the split loom. Looking at your sig I wasn't quite sure who's who with the amps, the center and the SMS-1 but I figure you just haven't gotten around to updating the sig. The thing with cameras is that they show what you don't want but all the stuff you want highlighted is in the shadows. That's how it works for me anyways.
I'll have to clean up a bit today and take some more/better pics of the whole room, it really is a neat room with the patio on one end and a poker table on the other with the TV setup right in the middle. Cozy is the word that comes to mind. I will update my sig to make life easeir for you my friend.
Looking good! I'd move the center out to the edge though!
(You know you can't post a pic with out some dork telling you what they would change!
Thats actually a good idea....I find myself tweaking and worrying about my system less and less as I get older, IDK if its just getting better and better or I'm just caring less and less......hopefully not the latter.
Nice and clean installation.
I like it.
Thanks man, I really need to take some better pics.....and I need to get the wife to stop raising the antennas so they are exposed, she doesn't understand that no matter how high they go if there's a huge storm outside she will get a little signal in WI doesn't help with that either.