JL Fathom 112 vs. Rel vs. Hsu VTF-3 HO



As the title says, very undecided here. already have the Hsu, pretty happy with the sound, but not quite the "punch" i'd like at times. also, it's a very large and not very attractive cabinet, so we would prefer a little better looking sub that might be smaller (which i guess means sealed). any thoughts on the JL fathom 112 or Rel R-series.


If two subs are acceptable I would look at dual Empire Epiks. They will give you the punch your looking for as well as 20hz output. They are bigger than the JL but smaller than the HSU.

A cheaper option if the deep output of the HO is acceptable would be to pick up a pair of HSU mid-bass subs and cross them over from 80-50hz and the HO for 50hz down.


AV Rant Co-Host
If you're already willing to consider the sort of price range into which the JL Audio Fathom F112 falls, then you have many options for sure!

Given that you seem focused on obtaining a smaller size and nice aesthetics as well as lots of "punch", a high-powered, sealed sub certainly does seem like your best bet.

Right away, I would definitely recommend that you consider the relatively new SVSound SB13-Plus. I have been extremely impressed with SVSound's new "Sledge" amplifiers and the 13-Plus driver is essentially the same design as SVSound's 13-Ultra driver, which is rather spectacular.

Given that you have room in the budget, you'll also want to consider the "traditional" route though. Definitely take a look at Velodyne's newer DD PLUS subs - either the 12" or 15" model should fit the smaller size profile that you are looking for.

There's no question that the JL Audio Fathom F112 is excellent. If it's easily affordable for you, you should have zero qualms in wondering about its performance capabilities. I'm merely giving you a couple of options - one that is somewhat close in price (Velodyne DD+) and one that is considerably lower (SVSound SB13-Plus).

The sheer power, output capabilities and extension of these three contenders trump anything you're going to find from Rythmik, Epik or HSU in this sort of "smaller size" realm. Outside of the basics though, the DD+ and SB13-Plus also offer a tremendous amount of processing and options that other subwoofers just do not.

For me, the SVSound SB13-Plus stands out as the absolute "dollar-for-dollar" winner. In fact, due to the price differential, you could easily afford a pair of SB13-Plus, which will naturally offer greater benefits than any single subwoofer.

Hope that helps!
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I'd also consider looking at the Seaton Submersive HP or a pair of HSU ULS-15s.


I have a F112 and really enjoyed it. I don't have the space for a larger sub, and had the budget so the f112 was a natural fit.

When considering a sub you might think of auto-calibration. The calibration on the f112 worked wonders for a very troublesome room.

I am running some B&W speakers xover at 80hz and the f112 makes them shine.

Overall, the f112 is a fantastic product with a great look & finish.


Audioholic Intern
Though I am far from expert, I have heard the F112 punches far above its dimunitive size would suggest


Audioholic Spartan
The JL will eat that REL for breakfast.

The ARO is only single band. I mean it's better than nothing, and maybe it meant more 5 years ago or whenever this product came out, but for someone as enthusiastic about this stuff as an AHer, it's almost* as useless as a composite video input on a receiver.


Audioholic Ninja
Funky Waves can build a 15" LMS-R in the exact same box as my 18" LMS linked here....
$2050ea shipped with the driver installed and 1300 watt plate amp(LT1300) $150 off with driver and amp shipped separate, aka; kit.
$1550ea shipped with the driver installed, no amp. $75 off for kit.

Other veneers like Cherry etc, would be $50 off, without inlayed corners would be $150 off

Driver is a bit smaller then that pic, that is my 18" sub.


Audioholic Ninja
I would also stand by the suggestion of the SVS SB13....

They have extremely capable products and have impressive SQ as well as excellent performance and customer service.

The drivers are designed by Stephen P. who has a excellent background.....


Perhaps you could clarify what you mean by punch, sometimes that can be a room dependent response issue that you might be experiencing. It would be good to see what your subwoofer response alone in your room looks like on a graph.... have you ever graphed or measured that in your room ?


Full Audioholic
If you were to opt for F112, I wouldn't pay full MSRP. Just know that you have some room to negotiate on the price when you're waying the pros and cons.


Senior Audioholic
Well, Warp is the sub king around here, so I would put quite a bit of weight behind his recomendations. If you have a smaller room, I can tell you from experience the JL is a great sub. Haven't had a chance to hear an HSU. If you want to try a JL, I'd say go used, and you can most likely get your money back if you decide to sell. A buddy has the new 12" sealed SVS and it is very good. Looks like you have some options. I think it is a matter of degrees of happiness and what fits your room/aesthetic needs.

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