Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Slumlord
Yesterday when I went to harass the good folks at the union hall about a job I swung by the Polish deli and thought I would post this pic because I am jealous of all you employed people who are at work and probably just starting to get hungry because you ate some faggy salad for lunch hoping to keep your waist line under cotrol ... I hope this makes you suffer. :p

gmike probably just passed out ... :D



Audioholic Spartan
Yesterday when I went to harass the good folks at the union hall about a job I swung by the Polish deli and thought I would post this pic because I am jealous of all you employed people who are at work and probably just starting to get hungry because you ate some faggy salad for lunch hoping to keep your waist line under cotrol ... I hope this makes you suffer. :p

gmike probably just passed out ... :D

I'm pretty sure Cheryl doesn't allow food or drink in Mantown.:eek:

That looks good; some nice hot mustard would go well with that.
It made me hungry... I'm going to get a salad......


Audioholic Spartan
Sometimes I'm just such an incredibly stupid grumpy bastard :(
Today I hate myself !!!!!!!!


Audioholic Spartan
I'm pretty sure Cheryl doesn't allow food or drink in Mantown.:eek:

That looks good; some nice hot mustard would go well with that.
It made me hungry... I'm going to get a salad......
Watch out so you don't get meat or other stuff on that remote control !


Audioholic Slumlord
Sometimes I'm just such an incredibly stupid grumpy bastard :(
Today I hate myself !!!!!!!!
Considering your track record with posts like this I would bet even money that a certain WONDERFULLLLLLLLLL Ukrainian goddess ain't exactly happy with you either. Feed her some sausage. That should cheer her up. :D


Audioholic Spartan
What you have that's good can easily be lost.... in a moment..... need to remember this.....
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Audioholic Slumlord
What you have that's good can easily be lost.... in a moment..... need to remember this.....
What you need to remember is to do what you need to do before the restraining order gets approved.
That window of opportunity can be small indeed.


Audioholic Spartan
What you need to remember is to do what you need to do before the restraining order gets approved.
That window of opportunity can be small indeed.
I just step into the same traps over and over again mate :confused:


Audioholic Field Marshall
I bought M-Audio Av-30's for my brother as a birthday present. They're terrible.


Audioholic Slumlord
That does suck. I trust you're okay and that's all that counts.
Drink to excess.


Yes, both me and my passenger are okay. :)

Funny thing is we were headed to a meating across town. His company car was in our fleet maintenance for service and they gave us a crappy Chevy Blazer for a loaner. I agreed to drive so we could at least go comfortably. If my boss would have drove the loaner, that would have been me in the passenger seat and I probably wouldn't be here typing this. :(

The other guy was driving a small Isuzu SUV. He t-boned me right in the front passenger wheel. The front wheel and four wheel drive axle took the brunt of the force. It sheared off the suspension. I think the guy then panicked and floored the accelerator again, because he hit my truck a second time in the passenger door. The force was so much it pushed my truck sideways through three lanes of traffic. The dealer says the frame is bent.

But I have to be thankful that Dodge still builds a tough truck :cool:


Audioholic Spartan
My day sucked!!!!

This belongs in the F1 thread

wow, you had an even worse day than me........
My Fiancee sais that everything that happens is for a good reason.... Don't understand how he could drive F1 after this

Well a bit difficult to see the good reason for this happening though :eek:

Hope you're OK, and...... aaaaah, it's just a car...... :D
It could be worse.... Michael Schumacher ran out of the course in 300Km/h and crashed..... breaking both his legs...

Aww, c'mon. Everybody should have their own Norwegian to play with. Alex has you.:D
You're scaring me now Dave :eek:
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