Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Spartan

Going to see Jimmy Thackery tonight.
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Audioholic Slumlord


Audioholic Spartan


Audioholic Spartan
I'm afraid that I will have to report you for post plagiarism. :p

This isn't like Europe where people just do whatever they feel like whenever they feel like it.
Here at AH we even have a thread dedicated to youtube stuff.
It's called "Official YouTube Thread".

Just kidding, Harold. Posting that here actually got it the exposure it deserved. :)
Ah Alex, here we're free to do whatever we want as long as the government approves... and if it's something fun or nice you can rest assured we will get a 50% or more penalty tax on this..... like the 350% tax we have on swiss cheese..... :mad:

Difficult to make "Raclette" or proper Fondue here, or at least expensive......


Audioholic Slumlord
and we all know Alex is all about exposure.
I'm awaiting in agony and horror about the result of this post :eek:
In the words of the Doug the Wise ... :D

I'll let it go...:D
I'm going to wall mount my other speaker since I feel somewhat better. My current @ss ache is that I pulled something sneezing this morning and now every little cough puts me in some degree of discomfort. Best get to it before it gets too late and then I won't even be able to test it out ... yep ... it's just there waiting for me ... staring at me ... accusingly ... about to call me the P word. :eek:


Audioholic Spartan
In the words of the Doug the Wise ... :D

I'm going to wall mount my other speaker since I feel somewhat better. My current @ss ache is that I pulled something sneezing this morning and now every little cough puts me in some degree of discomfort. Best get to it before it gets too late and then I won't even be able to test it out ... yep ... it's just there waiting for me ... staring at me ... accusingly ... about to call me the P word. :eek:
"Doug the Wise":cool: I'll have to rep. you as soon as it will let me!:D
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