Fatal system error is right... don't jinx me. I like the BJC Locking bananas. I think the GLS are knock offs and Greg has reported having trouble with them. Actually what I'm after is a binding post that will accept the BJC spade connectors ... and I could always use more locking bananas. I haven't seen that particular review by Forrest Man but have seen his contributions on those matters. Actually with Adam's help I got his name and number for a little phone stalking. He was pretty freaked out at first like maybe I was driving around his block and calling from my cell ... and maybe I was.
I'm on year six with my eMachines desk top. That means I have mad skills with the Anti-Auto-Everything.
The deal is that I am wall mounting my Dayton BR1's and there's gonna be some Mahogany and gold in the mounting system. Davemcc is coming to visit and I wanna have my sh!t tight for that.