5.1 music: am i missing something obvious?



Is there no 'digital age' version of music being sold today?

If i search DVD-Audio, the last releases I see are around '06--which i notice coincides rather perfectly with the release of the iPhone.

Ok, not to get off track--is there a digital replacement for dead disc media? Editorially, I submit "the disc" named blu-ray was dead before the first release. My blu-ray all reside in my HTPC. So, even though there are smatterings of Blu-Ray audio discs its rather apparent the format lacks support as we all move to personal digital storage for our content.

In short, am I missing something obvious? Or, is there no way to purchase 5.1/7.1 music today (i.e. not a 2006 release in a dead format).


Audioholic Jedi
No, there really isn't. They've become like vinyl - a niche market. Both SACD and DVD-A still exist but very few titles are coming out. There are quite a few BD Audio discs (audio only), but they are mainly classical at this point, and I doubt it will catch on either.


thanks for the reply. but, that was kinda my point. DVD-A/SACD are disc media; and as such have gone the way of the CD/cassette. And, since about 2006 there has been this void that nothing has filled. (show me a DVD-A release post 2006). When will we be able to go to iTunes/Rhapsody,Amazon, etc and download 5.1 audio?

iTunes plays the free samples i can find online just fine. But, i can't go pick up a new Tom Petty release and listen to anything but stereo.

" There are quite a few BD Audio discs (audio only), but they are mainly classical at this point, and I doubt it will catch on either." I agree...BD is another disc-based format, doomed from the start. As i said in the OP, all my BD are on magnetic media already. I have no use for a bunch of coasters to flip through.

No, there really isn't. They've become like vinyl - a niche market. Both SACD and DVD-A still exist but very few titles are coming out. There are quite a few BD Audio discs (audio only), but they are mainly classical at this point, and I doubt it will catch on either.


Audioholic Jedi
Porcupine Tree has released 3 or 4 DVD-As since 06, all of them are excellent. Those are the only ones I have bought in that time though :) Porcupine tree also sells much of their work in FLAC, which sounds excellent, but still only stereo as well.

Streaming / download will be the future, but that future isn't quite here yet. Physical media will still be around for a while.


Full Audioholic
The biggest majority of mainstream music recorded these days would have no point to having a 5.1 version unless its a live recording. Plus a lot of music it's quite obvious they rush the new albums through recording and mastering to get them out to the public before the artist runs out of money, otherwise there would likely be better production quality with better dynamics. I gave up on the search for 5.1 music a long time ago, if you want the surround effect use PLII Music or NEO6 Music. I am hoping that BDaudio will actually gain favorable attention at least for classical, jazz, blues, and other recordings where the potential for wider dynamics and accuracy will be appreciated.


It appears 5.1 audio is an answer to a question noone is asking. I was afraid of that. But, i had my fingers crossed I just had my head buried in the sand and was missing something great.

I recall XM was working on an AC-3 decoder a while back. but, i think they have bitrate issues to address before considering more channels...not to mention the fact that their business model is about shot. i think improving infrastructure is a bit lower on the punch list than kicking the sharks off their ankles.



Junior Audioholic
There have been a few King Crimson DVD-A's released since '06 as well.


Audioholic Field Marshall
5.1 audio was (is?) a victim of changing lifestyles. Just ask yourself how many people you know spend much time listening to music in the sweet spot of a fine audio system, either stereo or 5 channel. Our collective life styles have no leisure time for such simple pleasures; we are always on the way to something, returning from something, etc. Music listening as an actively relaxed pursuit is dying. Most music is consumed from earbuds and mobile devices and mobility has become the chief value. I don't think this is especially good, but I have to admit to being one of the villains in this.

No only is this the reason for the non-growth of 5 channel sound, but it's also the cause of the great number of badly recorded albums that are release. What's the use of having good sound when you listen through $15 earbuds to lossy MP3's that were recorded with no dynamics?


Monster music 5.1

I just purchased one of the new MONSTER MUSIC High Definition Surround Sound 2-Disc sets, George Benson and Al Jarreau Givin' It Up. It was $19.98 at their website. It was delivered by Fed Ex ground, fast shipping, and I was surprised that it was two discs, one a "audiophile mastered" cd and the other a surround and stereo disc with several mixes including DTS, which I'll play though my PS3 BLU RAY. I'll come back in and give a review, I haven't listened to it yet. I'd like to hear from others who have purchased these new audiophile remasters from Monster Music (same company as Monster Cables). I hope this works out for them and they come out with more titles.

We're listening to it now in DTS surround, amazing. There's also a video which we watched. So far I'd give this the highest possible rating for sound quality. The musicians on the album are some of the top jazz players in the business. Paul McCartney did a guest vocal, nice.
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Audioholic Jedi
Is there no 'digital age' version of music being sold today?

If i search DVD-Audio, the last releases I see are around '06--which i notice coincides rather perfectly with the release of the iPhone.

Ok, not to get off track--is there a digital replacement for dead disc media? Editorially, I submit "the disc" named blu-ray was dead before the first release. My blu-ray all reside in my HTPC. So, even though there are smatterings of Blu-Ray audio discs its rather apparent the format lacks support as we all move to personal digital storage for our content.

In short, am I missing something obvious? Or, is there no way to purchase 5.1/7.1 music today (i.e. not a 2006 release in a dead format).
There are quite a few SACD titles. More seem to be coming out again.

BD audio only is catching on in Europe now among labels, especially in Scandinavia.

The most tittles are on Blue Ray Opera discs, of which now thank goodness, there are a large number on offer and more appearing by the week. A lot are just wonderful.

I'm a great believer in presenting fine music in well mastered multi channel audio.

I just watched the royal wedding. This was in Dolby digital 5.1 EX and gave some effect of choir and congregation. You could tell however that the BBC, who provided the feed to the networks, were limiting the power to the surrounds for fear of blowing peoples puny rear speakers.

I think puny surrounds are one of big reasons that surround sound has not caught on the way it should have.

I hate puny surrounds, and puny speakers of all types actually. I say when the program calls for it mix to fry the voice coils of puny surrounds!

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