

Audioholic Spartan

Picked this one up Tuesday night since I liked the first one so much. I only played it for a couple of hours on Tuesday, but I'm liking it so far. I planned to stop playing at 10:00pm but kept playing until 11:15 or so and only stopped because I got my *** kicked by Necromorphs in a room when I ran out of ammo. The game gets addicting. So far it's pretty much the same stuff from the first game. Very good sound design, good graphics, lots of tension and scary parts. You start off the game in a straight jacket which is pretty freaky.

I actually had trouble sleeping Tuesday night because my brain was so wired from playing the game and I couldn't settle down. Looking forward to playing some more this weekend.


Audioholic Jedi

Yes, I will be picking this one up when I get some time. Loved the first one and the demo for this one was excellent.

I finished up Castlevania last night. Not bad at all.


Audioholic Spartan
Finished it on Sunday. Bummer. I'm kinda surprised I finished it so fast. The ending was pretty cool, especially the very end.

There was a fair amount of back-tracking which always bothers me. It's like a cheap way for the game makers to make the game longer without really doing anything. Also, you end up back on the Ishimura for a bit near the end.

I don't think I liked this one as much as the first one, but maybe that's because the first one was new and was such a surprise. This one is ultimately just more of the previous game. Not necessarily a bad thing but it definitely didn't break any new ground.


Audioholic Jedi
Finished it on Sunday. Bummer. I'm kinda surprised I finished it so fast. The ending was pretty cool, especially the very end.

There was a fair amount of back-tracking which always bothers me. It's like a cheap way for the game makers to make the game longer without really doing anything. Also, you end up back on the Ishimura for a bit near the end.

I don't think I liked this one as much as the first one, but maybe that's because the first one was new and was such a surprise. This one is ultimately just more of the previous game. Not necessarily a bad thing but it definitely didn't break any new ground.
Let me know if you want to sell it :D


Awesome, i've been saving up to buy this.... loved the first one, the intro is so eerie haha


Audioholic Jedi
This one is pretty weird so far too. I am liking Extraction so far too with Move, even though I am not a fan of "rail" shooters.

What I hate is when I KNOW something is going to jump out at me so I mentally prepare for it and I STILL jump once in a while when that something finally jumps out LOL.


Audioholic Spartan
This one is pretty weird so far too. I am liking Extraction so far too with Move, even though I am not a fan of "rail" shooters.

What I hate is when I KNOW something is going to jump out at me so I mentally prepare for it and I STILL jump once in a while when that something finally jumps out LOL.
This is my 3rd time going through the game and a couple of the scares still got me.


Audioholic Jedi
Just finished Extraction, which is quite fun with Move and the Sharpshooter. It lacks some of the robustness of the main game, but the play style (utilizing Move, not the rail shooter aspect) would be nice to have in the main game, though I realize Extraction was created for the Wii. I have been playing DS2 again and I have to say, I think I like this one better than the first.


Audioholic Jedi
Finished this one off this weekend and completley enjoyed it. I am now on a second playthrough to trophy whore :) I was already at 44% on the first playthrough, and noticed that there aren't 1000 trophies like some other games, which I like, and most seem pretty well within reach.


Audioholic Spartan
I downloaded and finished Severed on Saturday night. Pretty cool, but short. It only takes a couple of hours to get through. You just basically go through the mine section of the game backwards. Nothing really new but there is a new super-fast Necromorph and new trophies to get.


Audioholic Jedi
I am going to pop the $7 for Severed also, since I got the game as a gift :)

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