Sony Plans to Ban...Permanently



Audioholic Samurai
Sony has finally addressed on what has been going on for sometime in regards to Jailbreak devices, hackers and cheats. Sony has taken the stance of permanent ban, not just the console but the hacker as well. It's the first time Sony has addressed this issue publicly, a time frame for when the bans are to start are unknown at this time but I'm willing to bet that Sony won't say, it will just happen. You'll see boards flooded with people who got caught crying saying I didn't know it was suppose to start today or Sony didn't say it was suppose to start on xx date and to those I say that's the point you don't warn the people your trying to catch otherwise it defeats the purpose.

There are complaints on how it's unfair since I bought it and I should be able to do whatever I want with it mentality and I say sure you have the right to mod it anyway you want but what you don't have a right to is to rip-off the people that work hard to make and produce these games, you don't have the right to kill the online multiplayer experience for everyone else because you cheated, so go ahead mod the PS3 all you want because it's your right to just remember Sony also has the right to ban you from their services.

Sony's Official Statement
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Well, they can do just like the 360 modders - buy two. One modded (and banned), the other clean.


Audioholic Samurai
Maybe they should look into banning their IP as well.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Maybe they should look into banning their IP as well.
IP banning doesn't really work considering most people get dynamic IPs from their ISP and they'll change however often.

My views:
I think people should be allowed to modify their consoles and install linux and all that jazz without any kind of trouble from sony. I think removing the OtherOS option was a dumb move. They always try to make things difficult for the potential pirates but all they end up doing is inconveniencing legit users and the pirates get around the issues anyway.

Of course, any modifications that impact online gaming (like cheating) or something similar should result in a ban, but only to whatever console has said modifications. There is no reason to continually penalize a user if they buy a new, clean ps3.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm cool with if one wish to mod their PS3 within reason but when it's sole purpose is to get around security protocols to be used to play boot-leg games and such that when it's not cool. The OS feature was a dumb move not that it was removed but that it was ever included to begin with, that's a feature Sony should have know had the potential of being exploited in the first place. If I was on the lead design team I would have said something like "Hey guys this is a game console so let's stop trying to make it a computer."

And before someone mentions "Homebrew" let's ask ourselves this question how big is the community of Legitimate Homebrewers? I know they are out there because there are exceptions to every rule and I don't want to paint the entire community as pirates, but I believe that those that wish to use devices to get around security measures for illegal purposes are far greater in number than Legitimate Homebrewers.

I don't believe Sony will impose a lifetime ban on those who are doing your run of the mill cheating but if your caught using a jailbrake device which allows one to pretty much wreak havoc to online multiplayer games like MW2 and Black-Ops, then that's when I believe you will get the lifetime ban.
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Audioholic Jedi
Sony isn't trying to stop LEGITIMATE people by removing OtherOS. Unfortunately, the legitimate people suffer because of the IDIOTS who are out there who are trying to do harm. If you have an issue with Sony taking these measures, perhaps you should be mad at the REAL cause = hackers. Sony is trying to prevent these guys from getting into the PSN servers to get YOUR information or even getting into your system. The measures are intended to protect the average user who is using the PS3 as the entertainment system it was intended to be - and that would likely be about 90% of users.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Sony isn't trying to stop LEGITIMATE people by removing OtherOS. Unfortunately, the legitimate people suffer because of the IDIOTS who are out there who are trying to do harm. If you have an issue with Sony taking these measures, perhaps you should be mad at the REAL cause = hackers. Sony is trying to prevent these guys from getting into the PSN servers to get YOUR information or even getting into your system. The measures are intended to protect the average user who is using the PS3 as the entertainment system it was intended to be - and that would likely be about 90% of users.
I understand that their intent is not to stop legit users, but that's what always happens. It's the same with DRM. Legitimate buyers/users get heavily inconvenienced, and the pirates or hackers don't get stopped by it. There's no point.


Audioholic Jedi
I understand that their intent is not to stop legit users, but that's what always happens. It's the same with DRM. Legitimate buyers/users get heavily inconvenienced, and the pirates or hackers don't get stopped by it. There's no point.
True, but like I said the problem ultimately isn't Sony, and it is no different than any other type of hack/DRM issue. The things they do end up stopping the average guys, not the real hackers & pirates this is correct, but they can't just sit back and do nothing either because it causes issues for a small portion of the market. They are going to protect the bread and butter not cater to a small group of people.


Audioholic Samurai
Rumor is that Sony didn't wasted any time banning consoles, they started the same day of the announcement. There have been unconfirmed reports from people saying they have been banned from PSN and this is what happens when you try to log in on a banned console you will get this error code 8002A227. Will need to confirm this.


Audioholic Jedi
There are apparently different types as well:

Error Code: 8002a227 - 30 day ban from Sony Playstation Security Department. The last 3digits state the offence in question (227). So you have been banned for Extreme/Racial/Derogatory Language whilst using the PSN.

Error Code: 8002a231 - Suspended PSN account.
To unsuspend;
Emailed and they apparently have to re-instate the account.


Audioholic Spartan
How does modding your PS 3 allow you to cheat at video games?


Audioholic Samurai
Let say there's a glitch in an online game like Black ops and they find out about so they patch it, now with a jailbroken PS3 you can bypass the patch and exploit the game.

There's more to it than that but I tried to keep as simple as possible and without reveling to many details since I do not condone these types of actions.


How does modding your PS 3 allow you to cheat at video games?
First thing that pops into my mind would be altering the game files. Changing the damage and fire rate on weapons, etc.

I have no problem with Sony banning modified consoles from PSN. What I have a problem with is their strict attitude towards their (legitimate) users. They keep taking things away like OtherOS (I literally chose the last fat ps3 in stock over a slim for it), 3rd party controllers and devices (I need to check is my ps2 controller converter is working still), and their intrusiveness into your gaming device (sending data about all devices connected to your ps3 - yes they want and do collect info about your shiny new Sony Bravia TV and what accessories you've purchased).

I mean for all intents and purposes the ps3 has been "rooted". Wouldn't the ideal way to go about this be to patch up what you can (PSN/Multiplayer) and try to win people back by doing something like bringing OtherOS back and ADDing features? They will never be able to "fix" this so shouldn't they try to add value to not using hacked firmware?


Audioholic Samurai
The removal of the OS never bothered me because I never used it, what P***** me off is the updates that are just counter measures with no added features in the mix. It seems that where going down the rabbit hole boys and girls(and there's not a blue pill insight) as the PSP with all the updates minus the features I'm kind glad I'm going through the whole online experience that many are dealing with.


Audioholic Jedi
I want to use Netflix with my original CEHA01 but that means I have to update the firmware to connect. I kind of don't like the fact that I have no choice but to update it or not be able to log in. I am not running any kind of homebrew/jailbreak either though.


Audioholic Samurai
J I'm still on FW 3.55 and I have no issues using Netflix.


Hackers found away around the ban by using software that can change their console's ID not only does this allow them to change their ID's but also has the ability to get a legit owners console banned by Sony. Think of this as PS3 identity theft, so just like you wouldn't just give out your SS#, credit card# etc... to anyone the same rules apply to your PS3 never tell anyone your console's ID.

Source: PSN @ Home
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Audioholic Samurai
Geohot hit the net Friday begging for donations to his legal defense fund and was able to raise all the money he need in 18 hours. There also have been calls by many to boycott Sony products I'm thinking these people don't understand how many products Sony is associated with in some shape and form.

Source: The Escapist


Audioholic Jedi
J I'm still on FW 3.55 and I have no issues using Netflix.
Problem is, this system is blank, so it thinks it has never been connected so when I set it up to connect, no dobut I will have to update it to do so.

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