I guess some of you guys also missed the part where I said the sub also has a peak at 40 something too, but is corrected by audyssey. Audyssey does not correct the fronts to level of the subs so combined I get a really big bump in that area. Audyssey MultiEQ has 8x more correction power on the sub channel. It would not make any difference if the fronts where another brand that played just as low I would still have the peak at 40 something because of the room.
The is also no proof that the monitor 7's are bloated by design in the low end. When I run the RTA on them full range compared to the subs, the peak is in the same spot on either and I know my subs are not bloated. That is being caused by room dimensions and/or shape. I have tested several other speakers in my room in the last year and when I checked on the RTA they all had a bump in the low end at precisely the same region. One was a set of polks, a set of Klipsch and also a set Energy's. In my particular room any speaker that plays in that range is not going to be a good choice to mate with my subs. I either have to roll them off steeper electronically or by design. I have a 12 to 15 db bump in that area caused by the room. Do the math. Even if the speaker is ruler flat and it plays into the 40's it will still have at least a 5db bump in that area after being rolled of at 80hz 12db per octave. ANY speaker that plays well into this area is not a good choice for me flat or otherwise. Not sure why this is so hard for some to understand
Thanks for your suggestions anyway
I am not going to be missing anything so long as the proper crossover point is selected for the speakers being used. The Ushers have an f3 in the 80's and f10 around 43ish so that is just about perfect.
I am not some noob and I do know a little of what I am talking about. I have been in this hobby longer than some of you might be old.