Replacement Window Companies :rolleyes:



I called a place today for a competitive quote. They won't come out for measurements (so they can give us an estimate) if the wife isn't there also. It's 'their policy'.

My policy is not to do business with a company that does that. Anyone heard of this bizarre behavior before?

We are talking basement windows (like 8) for pete's sake.

What's next, mechanics that won't work on our cars if we both don't show up at the garage?


Audioholic Warlord
I called a place today for a competitive quote. They won't come out for measurements (so they can give us an estimate) if the wife isn't there also. It's 'their policy'.

My policy is not to do business with a company that does that. Anyone heard of this bizarre behavior before?

We are talking basement windows (like 8) for pete's sake.

What's next, mechanics that won't work on our cars if we both don't show up at the garage?
That is truly strange. Perhaps they're concerned that there will be headaches caused, when one spouse picks a window style that the other doesn't like and then wants the model changed. But, if they're just coming to take measurements, it really doesn't matter who is there. The actual style can be picked later. I really don't understand that.


Audioholic Ninja
Or they can sell a higher priced product to a more gullible person easier.... If that is indeed the case...


I did some googling. It's a sales tactic. They divide and conquer.

They generally work the wife over on aesthetics or some other drivel (like standing on the window, trying to set the frame on fire etc...).


Audioholic Spartan
More likely they want the wife there so that they can talk her into the exhorbitant prices they charge and then she will in turn make your life hell if you don't buy her the windows she wants.

I sort of went through the same thing with a water company. They called and spoke to my wife and talked her into having them come out to talk to us about our water softener needs. I wasn't interested in hearing the pitch at all but they said they wouldn't come out without both of us there. I had errands to run on the weekend and they kept trying to reschedule for a time that I could be there. I just kept cancelling and eventually they left us alone.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Just call again and if they ask about a wife say you're unmarried :)


Senior Audioholic
Do this, have your wife do all the talking and you just stand there with your arms folded looking pissed. Worked twice for me when we bought windows and a new car. No BS and they get right down to business. Still wouldn't do business with a company that won't come out and measure. That's shady, they'll likely give you a low price over the phone, then come measure and find reasons to "up-charge."


I called a place today for a competitive quote. They won't come out for measurements (so they can give us an estimate) if the wife isn't there also. It's 'their policy'.

My policy is not to do business with a company that does that. Anyone heard of this bizarre behavior before?

We are talking basement windows (like 8) for pete's sake.

What's next, mechanics that won't work on our cars if we both don't show up at the garage?
That's called a one-legger. The thought is this... if you both aren't there, there's no chance of you committing. Your answer will be.. thanks for coming out... I have to talk it over with my wife/husband. This is not at all uncommon.

I used to run a marketing company and we had a decent sized telemarketing division that was part of the ancillary business. They used to have a very well known home security company as a client and their leads had to have both spouses there. If they went out and it was a one-legger, we actually had to buy it back.

It's like anything like that... for every time they don't make a sale on the first contact, their margins start to thin out fairly quickly.


That's called a one-legger. The thought is this... if you both aren't there, there's no chance of you committing. Your answer will be.. thanks for coming out... I have to talk it over with my wife/husband. This is not at all uncommon.

I used to run a marketing company and we had a decent sized telemarketing division that was part of the ancillary business. They used to have a very well known home security company as a client and their leads had to have both spouses there. If they went out and it was a one-legger, we actually had to buy it back.

It's like anything like that... for every time they don't make a sale on the first contact, their margins start to thin out fairly quickly.
I like the poker table saying: If you sit down at the table and can't spot the chump, it's you.

It just goes to show there are enough idiots out there to make a run of if. Wish I could find a niche like that or start a high price esoteric audio cable company.


Audioholic Warlord
We had all our windows replaced last year and never went through any kind of BS like that. We had three quotes from three different companies. They each sent a rep to come measure, we gave them the general idea of what we wanted, they all came back a couple of days later with itemized quotes. Only one of us needed to be here, no upselling, no pressure tactics. I have no complaints. We're very happy with our windows and they cost us less than we had expected.

If they aren't interested enough to come out and measure your windows, I wouldn't be interested in giving them any business.


Full Audioholic
Sounds like a typical high pressure sales job. They do that around here with HVAC, and you wouldn't believe the price they charge. I think when the window companies were doing this, they would come around and say that they were wanting a few homes to advertise their service and they were charging like $10k to do some windows for a average small home. Way exorbitant price. It is just time to say NEXT.


Audioholic General
I don't think too highly of window sales companies. I had some salesmen in a few years ago. I needed to replace the big window in my living room and five others in the bedrooms. They didn't do big windows and wanted about 6 grand for the other five.

I ended up buying the windows from Menard's and did the work myself. It took longer but was a lot cheaper. I just did the five last fall, spent maybe 1500 on windows and supplies. That includes beer for my neighbor and my dad for helping.



Audioholic Overlord
I ran into the same thing when I replaced my windows.

They want both of you there, then offer you a "special" discount if you commit at the time of the appointment (as if they wouldn't still do it if you called them on the phone the next day).

I think they also hope they can figure out which of you is making the decision and which buttons to push to make it happen now rather than later.

We had two companies come, and both pissed both of us off. I'm glad they did. I went to a home store (not Lowes or HD who have their own installers) and found the replacement windows kits. They even had a guy come out and measure to double-check my measurements (30 miles away). The kits were pretty easy to install - I just had to be careful pulling off the trim around the old windows so I could reuse it. We saved a boat load of money and ended up with much nicer windows than we were willing to pay for with the installation company's price sheet.

You can also know it was done right if you do it. We moved 4 years later and there are all kinds of drafts around the double pane upgrades that the previous owner of our new house had installed. I guess they decided putting the insulation around the new window guides was an unreasonable burden. Kind of defeats the purpose of the double panes.:(

All I can say is be careful who you choose to do this work if you don't do it yourself. Get them to explain exactly how the surrounds fit in the window casings and what insulation is used. Ask them about a warranty or something in writing to resolve any drafts you might experience over the next year.

The Atlanta area has been such a housing boom area for so long, that even in these hard times, companies are still cutting corners and I'm pretty sour on the whole industry. Hopefully, contractors in your area aren't that bad!

PS - you might also check out and join Angie's List if there is one in your area. They have definitely saved us plenty!


Senior Audioholic
I called a place today for a competitive quote. They won't come out for measurements (so they can give us an estimate) if the wife isn't there also. It's 'their policy'.
You should have asked if they were also bringing their wife and refused to have your wife present unless their wife was present. :p
What's next, mechanics that won't work on our cars if we both don't show up at the garage?
Well your car is a death trap and you wouldn't want to have your wife driving it / riding in it in that state now would you? Oh she's standing right next to you... We'll I'll let you two talk it over. ;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
salesman hate me. i almost never get approached by one. i figure they think they can't sell me something i don't want. or, i look like i don't have any money. probably both :D


Thats ok.

I just had a place quote me $350 per window and $1500 for a door. Are you kidding me?

$350 for a standard basement window. LMAORN.


Audioholic Overlord
Thats ok.

I just had a place quote me $350 per window and $1500 for a door. Are you kidding me?

$350 for a standard basement window. LMAORN.
DIY, use those numbers, and earmark the savings for your audio habit!


DIY, use those numbers, and earmark the savings for your audio habit!
I better call them back and have them make it $5K even then (you know to show the wife:) )

The other quote is for $2250 (windows and door). The best I am going to save in that scenario is about $1K. For that I will let someone else do it.


We had the same thing happen to us last year. They said "your wife must be home" and I said she would be even though I knew she wouldn't. Why should it matter... The guy measured all of the windows but refused to send us a quote without coming back to the house with my wife present. I told him where he could go. I am not doing business like that.

We are now doing hardwood floors (refinish and installation of new) and every company has been great to work with. Written quotes, no pressure, no bs. It's like they've dealth with the ******** and know it isn't how to make a sale.

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