Subwoofer recommendation



Hi everyone-

New to this forum, and would greatly appreciate a recommendation on a subwoofer.
Mix of 70% music (hard/classic rock) vs. 30% HT.
My room is 3,700 ^ft, with two openings (one to kitchen, other to foyer).
I've religiously read the AH subwoofer shootout reviews/posts over the last few weeks, but am still on the fence between these three subs:
SVS PB12-Plus
SVS PS13-Ultra

All have received great reviews, but am curious as to whether the higher cost of the SVS' are justified vs. the VTF-15H.

I'm willing to pay the extra $ if in fact the SVS' are in fact "worth" that, but wanted to get some thoughts (or alternate suggestions).
I just want loud, clean, deep, smooth bass, you know, everything everyone else here does. :)
I like the fact that both ported and sealed are options with these offerings (why the Rhythmik FV15 was ruled out).

DIY is not an option for me.

Please let me know your thoughts; thanks!


Senior Audioholic
How do you feel about single vs. multiple subs? Also, how big are openings to the kitchen and foyer - if you can't close them off, you'd have to consider that in your cuft as well.

Also, what's your budget?


How do you feel about single vs. multiple subs? Also, how big are openings to the kitchen and foyer - if you can't close them off, you'd have to consider that in your cuft as well.

Also, what's your budget?
Thanks for the immediate help. I'm open to multiples (though not sure the wife would agree). ;)
Do you think two VTF-15s would match or exceed the performance of one PB13-Ultra?

I don't want to exceed $2K-$2,200 for any sub configuration I decide on.
Have a pair of Aperion VGTs on the way, and $'s running out... :(

A clarification on my last post: my music tastes range from AC/DC to White Stripes, with pretty much everything in between. Didn't want to limit it to only hard/classic rock.

Again, thanks for the help.


...and no, wouldn't be able to close off the two openings. Don't have a dedicated HT room; the system is in my great room.



Senior Audioholic
I don't feel comfortable giving any performance estimations because I've never heard any of the subs you have listed. What I can tell you is that I've been shopping for a subwoofer(s) as well and I also have the same room/area size, budget max and inability to go DIY at this time. So, I'll tell you what I've learned so far since we're pretty close to apples to apples in this respect.

I think the first thing you should do is check with the wife again to see how she feels about two subs. Heaven forbid you get two and have to send one back because she can't handle a second huge box in the room :eek:. All of these subs are pretty healthy sized, so it might be worth it to get a tape measure & make some cardboard 'footprints' of how big these subs are in terms of width and depth. Another thing you should do is measure your hallway/openings and your kitchen & foyer to get a full cuft measurement.

Once you figure out if the duals will cause issues or not, you can proceed from there. With your budget, the only one you can get duals of from your list is the VTF-15H. Since you primarily listen to music, you might want to reconsider the Rythmik subs, since people seem to really like how they sound w/music. I've been meaning to ask about it in the FV15HP thread, but I wonder how much you would lose in terms of output with a FV15. I bring this up only because the HP would run you about $1334 shipped (using the price from Ascend Acoustics.) Duals would obviously break your budget with the HP version while you'd just break $2200 with the non-HP version.

I really buy into the multiple subs idea and the benefits it brings, so I've been leaning towards getting 2 VTF-15s for a while, but I've also been considering 2 FV15's since that review. My space has some placement constraints that may prevent me from getting two of that size, but I'd lean that way if at all possible.

If I had to get one sub, it's a little more tricky. Not sure what color you'd be looking for, but SVS has a close out on Rosenut PB13's for $1699, which is a good deal IMO. The price gap between the Ultra and the Pluses is small enough (to me anyways) that I'd probably pony up the extra $$ to get an Ultra. The Ultras look better IMO, plus that way I'm not wondering "what if" performance wise.

Another single sub solution I've been thinking about is the Submersive. It's right in that $2K price range as well:

The only thing I'd be weary about is if the extra space outside of the 3700 cuft becomes too much for it to handle. Might want to ask some owners for their input on that.

So, in summary:

- Figure out if you have to go one sub or two.
- If you could go dual subs, I'd look at the VTF-15 and the FV15's
- If you can only get one of the ones you listed, I'd probably get a PB13, but outside of that I'd consider a FV15HP and a Submersive.
- It would be worth it to call both HSU and SVS to see what they recommend. I have contacted both of them in the past for what they suggested for me and have gotten a response within a day.


Audioholic Ninja
Two good, spaced subs should trump one great sub. So get two of the Rythmik FV15s, use them in low extention mode (which like the hsu review was not tested) and enjoy!

also wait for the funkywaves review. lest we forget there was four final contestants in the shootout...


I don't feel comfortable giving any performance estimations because I've never heard any of the subs you have listed. What I can tell you is that I've been shopping for a subwoofer(s) as well and I also have the same room/area size, budget max and inability to go DIY at this time. So, I'll tell you what I've learned so far since we're pretty close to apples to apples in this respect.

I think the first thing you should do is check with the wife again to see how she feels about two subs. Heaven forbid you get two and have to send one back because she can't handle a second huge box in the room :eek:. All of these subs are pretty healthy sized, so it might be worth it to get a tape measure & make some cardboard 'footprints' of how big these subs are in terms of width and depth. Another thing you should do is measure your hallway/openings and your kitchen & foyer to get a full cuft measurement.

Once you figure out if the duals will cause issues or not, you can proceed from there. With your budget, the only one you can get duals of from your list is the VTF-15H. Since you primarily listen to music, you might want to reconsider the Rythmik subs, since people seem to really like how they sound w/music. I've been meaning to ask about it in the FV15HP thread, but I wonder how much you would lose in terms of output with a FV15. I bring this up only because the HP would run you about $1334 shipped (using the price from Duals would obviously break your budget with the HP version while you'd just break $2200 with the non-HP version.

I really buy into the multiple subs idea and the benefits it brings, so I've been leaning towards getting 2 VTF-15s for a while, but I've also been considering 2 FV15's since that review. My space has some placement constraints that may prevent me from getting two of that size, but I'd lean that way if at all possible.

If I had to get one sub, it's a little more tricky. Not sure what color you'd be looking for, but SVS has a close out on Rosenut PB13's for $1699, which is a good deal IMO. The price gap between the Ultra and the Pluses is small enough (to me anyways) that I'd probably pony up the extra $$ to get an Ultra. The Ultras look better IMO, plus that way I'm not wondering "what if" performance wise.

The only thing I'd be weary about is if the extra space outside of the 3700 cuft becomes too much for it to handle. Might want to ask some owners for their input on that.

So, in summary:

- Figure out if you have to go one sub or two.
- If you could go dual subs, I'd look at the VTF-15 and the FV15's
- If you can only get one of the ones you listed, I'd probably get a PB13, but outside of that I'd consider a FV15HP and a Submersive.
- It would be worth it to call both HSU and SVS to see what they recommend. I have contacted both of them in the past for what they suggested for me and have gotten a response within a day.
Definitely sounds like we're in the same boat. :D Great summary and suggestions; appreciate it.
I left Rhythmik out of the equation because of the lack of flexibility regarding running both ported and sealed, as well as the concerns the reviewer had with the complexity of the amp/settings (and slightly higher $ to the VTF-15). I'm new to this, and was hoping to minimize the necessary "tweaking" as much as possible (outside of REW/YPAO w/Yamaha receiver, SPL meter).
I heard that the VTF-15 is very strong in the mid-range bass as well (so beneficial for music). Can anyone confirm or deny that in relation to either the Rhythmik or SVS'? Are SVS' more known for the lower, sub-20 db levels but not as strong in the mids?



Audioholic Ninja
A couple of sealed Rythmik subs would do nicely. A single Submersive is another option.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Definitely sounds like we're in the same boat. :D Great summary and suggestions; appreciate it.
I left Rhythmik out of the equation because of the lack of flexibility regarding running both ported and sealed, as well as the concerns the reviewer had with the complexity of the amp/settings (and slightly higher $ to the VTF-15). I'm new to this, and was hoping to minimize the necessary "tweaking" as much as possible (outside of REW/YPAO w/Yamaha receiver, SPL meter).
I heard that the VTF-15 is very strong in the mid-range bass as well (so beneficial for music). Can anyone confirm or deny that in relation to either the Rhythmik or SVS'? Are SVS' more known for the lower, sub-20 db levels but not as strong in the mids?

The Hsu, Rythmik, and SVS will all be very powerful in the midbass area (around 50 hz), according to Audioholics testing, the SVS and Hsu do around 120 db there from 1 meter, while the Rythmik FV15HP does a few more db than that even. SO they pretty much have all the midbass you are going to need. They all have oodles of deep bass as well, according to Audioholics the SVS has a few more db of 20 hz bass than the Hsu, however it has been argued that the nature of the testing methodology took some deep bass volume away from the Hsu due to it's port configuration. There is another group of people at who are supposed to release their test results of some $1k subs including the VTF-15H sometime this weekend, so that should help to shed more light on the issue.

I think if your room is small, just get one beefy sub, like a PB13 or submersive, but if it's medium or large sized, I would say over 3500 or 4000 cubic feet, go with multiple subs. The benefits of multiple subs is just too big of a leap not to do if you can afford to, at least in my own personal experience. I'm sure you'll be happy with any of the brands mentioned here.

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