HSU VTF-15H Subwoofer Review



Audioholics Master Chief
one guy even wanted to return one before ever even listening to it (?). and you guys wonder why everyone pulled out of the shootout - this is why.
Yes and b/c of people not spending the time to actually read the entire review and notice the product positives, it actually gave HSU second thoughts about becoming an advertiser on our site which is ridiculous when you see all of the free press and attention this review generated for them. This thread alone generated over 3200 views in one day!

I am a big fan of HSU products and hope to continue covering their stuff in the future.


Audioholic Ninja
If you plug on port wouldn't that cause the other port to create port noise? cause now that one port is moving more air through it.
yes but the lower tuning means any chance of port noise would occur well out of the audible frequencies where energy is focused. port air velocity is always highest at high output levels near its tuning so if you tune where there is little high level content you are actually reducing air movement at higher energy frequencies


Audioholic Ninja
Yes and b/c of people not spending the time to actually read the entire review and notice the product positives, it actually gave HSU second thoughts about becoming an advertiser on our site which is ridiculous when you see all of the free press and attention this review generated for them. This thread alone generated over 3200 views in one day!

I am a big fan of HSU products and hope to continue covering their stuff in the future.
i agree. their subs are made for the ground for starters.

(beating a dead horse coughcough)


Full Audioholic
When I read the review I actually came away feeling the HSU would be a great choice. I"m not in the market for a sub right now but man I wouldn't mind having any one of the models featured in this shootout. Was there a part of me that was hoping the lowest priced sub would trounce all the others? Sure but hey its the lowest priced for a reason and that doesn't mean its not a great value and still a killer sub in its own right.


Audioholic Ninja
good to hear with respect to the amplifier being cool to the touch. like i was saying to clouso, you need to discuss concerns with the company to hear their side of the story.

the 16hz extention mode is truly where it is at! as I suspected.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
It was a informative read and I appreciated his explaination regarding the 2 prototypes and why they opted for the triangle port design...I like that look...btw:). His explaination in relation to those measurements being skewed or compromised because of the port design when turned on its side, using both ports was very infromative:cool:.

I just wanna say thanks, Pete...:)
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Audioholics Master Chief
Just to set the record straight. All subs were measured on their side for more accuracy in the measurements. This was defined in our Subwoofer Shootout article and agreed upon by all participants. Dr. HSU was kind enough to hand deliver the sub to Paul and also observe his product testing as well. Paul's SPL #'s were within 1dB of what SVS reports on their sub so the SPL differences HSU is reporting is puzzling to say the least.


Full Audioholic
I don't know if this will help, but it is Peter Hsu's comments regarding the VTF-15H and testing on it's side that he posted today on the HSU site.

The lower level frequency response rolloff shown was puzzling. We had to think back to something very interesting that we noticed during the development of the VTF-15H. We had two different prototypes, one with round ports and one with triangular ports. These two prototypes were virtually identical in all areas other than one prototype having round ports and the other prototype having triangular ports. What we noticed is that, with the enclosure turned on it's side and both ports open, the prototype with triangular ports had a much more rolled off low frequency response compared to the prototype with round ports. But with the enclosure turned on it’s side and only one port open, the frequency response was virtually identical between the two prototypes. So our conclusion was that the unique geometry of the triangular ports made it very difficult to measure with both ports open with the enclosure turned on it's side, because the top port would be contributing relatively little compared to the bottom port.
It's found in post #273.

I guess I'm an arm chair quarterback, but it's a little puzzling that if subs are meant to be used right side up, and no one uses them on their side for accuracy, then why they are tested while on their sides. Please don't let this question bother anyone and don't bother explaining for I don't think I possess the logic required to be swayed by reason on this one. No offense intended.

But I bet if the sub were to be put back on its feet, and then have one port plugged, and the settings on the amp set as is suggested in the manual for maximum extension, that the sub would achieve the numbers it's rated at by the manufacturer for those settings.


Audioholic Intern
Wow, great review that really stirred things up. I think the review just puts it all in perspective; no free lunch.
It sounds like the sub is a great value. If you own the sub, why do you care?
As for returning the sub without even listening to it, I hope there was a lot of alcohol involved! Try it and run it through it's paces. Nothing to lose now. If nothing else, think of it as 29 days of bass you wouldn't otherwise have.
Though I didn't see any THD numbers, the 121 dB in the mid-bass is impressive and should have good slam on most material..
As mentioned you could give some of that up for a little more extension, and likely would improve sound quality at the same time.
Sounds like a real winner in the under$1000 category.


You are right and the guys were right also last night...i think i had beer too much last night lmao.....i will keep it and try the multiple tunings and make it sound the best....i do think that its an upgrade from a 12incher...sorry if i was desapointed when i read it but im still certain that it will also blow me away!...it is due to get at my place today accodring to the tacking number....
i am quoting my self since a lot seemed disturbed by the ''returning it'' comment i made and it also seems they didnt read that post!.......i posted this yesterday morning...
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
i am quoting my self since a lot seemed disturbed by the ''returning it'' comment i made and it also seems they didnt read that post!.......i posted this yesterday morning...
I did...fwiw. Btw the Hab's where losing at the time as well, maybe that was why you had a few pops....:p. Don't sweat it as long as you give the sub a fair chance and find later your not happy with it, return it.

Cheers, Bill


I did...fwiw. Btw the Hab's where losing at the time as well, maybe that was why you had a few pops....:p. Don't sweat it as long as you give the sub a fair chance and find later your not happy with it, return it.

Cheers, Bill
I am sure i will love it!....


Audioholic Ninja
Over 4000 hits in less than 48 hours. Wow!

Let the retesting begin in the upright position and lower tuning and we can all witness the internet implode!
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Over 4000 hits in less than 48 hours. Wow!

Let the retesting begin in the upright position and lower tuning and we can all witness the internet implode!
Are you or anybody else....following what is going on over at AVS.....pretty interesting.....;) All you need is a match....:D.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
:confused: it's all civil over there.
Yeah...things are rather cordial there but history has shown us things can get outta hand in a hurry too;). The fact Hsu and Rythmik are now discussing these results having had a vested interest is nice to see, but how they interpret or attempt to explain these results....differs! We all know the 3 companies in this review have huge legions of fans so it really doesn't matter, but I'd like to know who'll be the voice for FW's when his sub come under praise or scrutiny once its posted for all to see:confused:.

Regards, Bill....:)
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Full Audioholic
i am quoting my self since a lot seemed disturbed by the ''returning it'' comment i made and it also seems they didnt read that post!.......i posted this yesterday morning...
sorry clouso, i did read that you changed your mind and decided to give the sub a listen. i should have mentioned that in my post. good for you!

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