I don't think they fudged it. They did not know how to interpret their data.
This unit is very similar to the small Sunfire.
Basically they have contrived to make a huge resonance at 20 Hz. Most of the rest of the output is in fact distortion in my opinion. I see that the output above the 20 Hz peak ripple seems to consists of the second harmonic but to a greater extent the ugly 3rd and 5th harmonics.
I would bet that is an ugly one noter like the Sunfire.
Also its spl is puny and any decent sized room would dwarf it.
Still confused. What are we reading into the data that he didn't disclose?
I've seen tests where the distortion was almost 13%.
He claims 8% distortion, which is a lot. The harmonic first harmonic is about 22dB less than the peak on the fundamental.
The secrets test of the pb-12 plus shows 10% Thd at 101dB at 20 hz.
It doesn't show the graph, but plots it onto a sheet readout.
I speed read it, and didn't see a mention of their test position in regards to the room. Tom Nousaine did a test I read that involved having the sub in an optimal corner.
The testing is incomparable unless consistent. What other subs were tested by S&V in the manner the 110 was tested by the same guy? Those would be comparable and shed some light.