Saw Somewhere tonight and was very underwhealmed. This flick starts out real slow, like glacial, but accelerates to being just slow. It could have been about a half hour long. Lots of grainy close-ups and sketchy sound give it a fake documentary feel that is kinda artsy in the 1960's Fellini sense but that seems pretty pedantic now.
Fellini comes to mind because about half way through, I started feeling like I'd been here before when 8 1/2 came to mind. In this case a Hollywood star has a sordid but famous life that is pretty much lacking in any emotional content until his daughter arrives unexpectedly and things change and he has to re-evaluate what it's all worth. The plot comparison is stretched, but considering how many retro-Italian show biz elements are in the movie, it's hard to think that Sophia Coppola didn't have something like that in mind.
The movie got some European awards, but I didn't think very much of it (BTW, I usually LIKE European movies). I spent too much of the time shifting in my seat, checking my watch and noticing the sound of the theater's ventilation system.